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„-.. <br />__ <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that he was not opposed to adopting the <br />resolution, but did feel that the Board should indicate to the Governor <br />that the Board adopts the resolution with anticipation that the Governor <br />will follow through with his campaign promises, and that the Board still <br />request a hearing regarding I-40. <br />The Chairman called for a vote on the motion. Voting aye were Commis- <br />sioners Whitted, Gustaveson, Pinney, and Walker. Voting nay was Commissioner <br />Willhoit. The motion was declared passed. <br />(For copy of Resolution, see page 395 of this book) <br />Item 9: Appointment <br />a) The Capital Health Systems Agency recommends Dr. William Cromartie, <br />a provider representative, be reappointed to the Health Systems Agency's <br />governing board. -- <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, it was moved and adopted to endorse the appointment of i]r. <br />William Cromartie to the Capital Health System Agency. <br />The Clerk was instructed to forward a letter to the Health System <br />Agency. <br />b) Commissioner Jan Pinney will discuss vacancies on the Xouth <br />Services Needs Task Force. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked that this item be deferred until the <br />October 24th meeting. <br />Chairman Whitted asked that an appointment to the Orange-Person- <br />Chatham Area Menta], Health Soard be added to the agenda for October 24, <br />1977. <br />c) Two vacancies exist on the Recreation Advisory Committee, <br />Reverend Richardson and Vicky Ward having resigned. <br />The County Manager presented tc the Board resumes of persons recom- <br />mended to these two vacancies. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked that a resume be submitted for Diana <br />Brown. The Board agreed to defer these appointments until the October <br />24, 1977 meeting in order that a resume can be received from Ms. Brown <br />and to give the Commissioners an opportunity to review the resumes. <br />Item 3: A Public Hearing to consider a Final Assessment Resolution <br />relating to the Morgan Creek Hills paving project. <br />The Chairman stated that the time was 8:00 p.m., which is the adver- <br />tised time for the public hearing to consider a Final Assessment Resolution <br />relating to the Morgan Creek Hills paving project. <br />The County Attorney presented to the Beard a Final Assessment Resolu- <br />tion for their approval. He stated that the Final Assessment Resolution is <br />basically the same as the Preliminay Assessment Resolution. <br />The Chairman asked if there we're persons present who wished to speak <br />in favor of. the resolution. <br />Don Francisco presented to the Finance Officer checks from residents <br />of the Morgan Creek Hills area for their assessment to the paving project. <br />The Chairman asked is there were persons present who wished to speak <br />in opposition to the paving project. <br />No one came forth. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, and Commissioner Willhoit seconded, <br />that the Final Assessment Resolution be adopted. <br />Commissioner Pinney inquired if work on the roads would begin this <br />winter, and Air. Francisco stated that the roads would be stabilized this <br />winter and paving would probably begin next spring. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the Final Assessment Resolution for <br />paving of roads in the Morgan Creek Hills area. <br />(For copy of Final Assessment Resolution, see page 396 of this book.) <br />