Orange County NC Website
~~ .. <br />CAROLINA <br />WINSTON. COLEMAN <br />@ BERNF101.Z <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />CHAPfiI HILL N. C <br />NILLSBtlROt1GN, p(, ~ <br />II <br />RANGE COUNTY <br />THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 18th <br />ay of -October , 1977, by and between ORANGE COUNTX, <br />ereinafter called GOUNTY, a body politic and corporate existing <br />nder the laws of North Carolina having its principal place of <br />usiness at 106 Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278,~f <br />nd JANUS HOUSE, INC., hereinafter called JANUS HOUSE, a non-profit! <br />orpaxation duly organized and existing under the laws of North <br />arolina having its principal place of business at 105 North <br />olumbia Street, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514. <br />WITNESSETH <br />THAT WHEREAS, COUNTY has applied for .and received a <br />LEAA Subgrant Award from the North Carolina Governor's Crime <br />Commission of the Division of Crime Control in the Department of <br />Crime Gon•krol and Public Safety, far the operation of the Orange <br />County Shelter Home for an initial grant period from October 1, N i <br />1977 to June 30, 1979; and <br />WHEREAS, JANUS HOUSE has been designated by COUNTY <br />i <br />as the implementing agency of the Orange County Shelter Hame in <br />that JANUS HOUSE has the requisite personnel experience, training <br />and expertise to properly implement and administer a youth shelter.•= <br />care program and facility; and <br />WHEREAS, COUNTY and JANUS HOUSE desire to Contract, onc. <br />with the other with respect to operating the Orange County Shelter; <br />ETome and implementing the Subgrant Award received by COUNTY. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the aforesaid, the <br />Parties hexeta do contract and agree as follows: <br />2. <br />J'ANUS HOUSE agrees to administer and operate the Orange. <br />County Shelter Aome for COUNTY for the grant period beginning <br />October 1, 1977 and ending June 30, 1979. In the event the grant <br />