Orange County NC Website
~~'.. <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSxONERS <br />OCTOBER 18, 1977 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />Tuesday, October 18, 1977, at 7:30 p.m., in the Commissioners' Room of <br />the Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />Present were Chairman.Richard Whitted, Commissioners Norman Gustaveson, <br />Jan Pinney, Norman Walker, and Donald Willhoit. <br />Staff personnel present were S. M. Gattis, County Manager, Neal Evans, <br />County Finance Officer, County Attorney, Geoffrey Gledhill, and Agatha <br />Johnson, Clerk. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and referred to item 1 on <br />the agenda: Persons not on this agenda having business to transact with <br />the Hoard of Commissioners should make their presence known: <br />Items added to the agenda are: <br />1) Concerns of the Planning Board and a progress report of the Township <br />Advisory Councils by the Planning Director, Irvin Dobson. <br />2) Discussion of CETA Funds requested by the Orange Coun ty School <br />Superintendent. <br />3) Discussion of the Human Services Conference. <br />4) Raising of the dam at Lake Orange. <br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 2: Minutes of the meetings held <br />on October 3rd and October 4th. <br />Corrections were suggested to the October 3, 1977 minutes, and <br />upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br />the minutes of October 3, 1977 were approved. <br />The minutes of October 4, 1977 were reviewed, and upon motion of <br />Commissioner willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, the October 4, <br />1977 minutes were approved. <br />Item 5: Representatives of the Durham-Orange Employment Training <br />Council have advised the County Manager funds are available to implement <br />two additional CETA Positions at this time. <br />The County Manager informed the Board that the funds which are avail- <br />able came from the monies left over from the allocations to JOCCA for the <br />weatherization program. <br />Discussion ensued amoung members of the Hoard. It was pointed out <br />that the understanding of the Board was that all funds which were allocated <br />to JOCCA should be used for the weatherization program, and thereby there <br />would be no remaining funds. <br />Dr. R. Michael Simmons, Superintendent of the Orange County School <br />System, was recognized by the Chairman. Dr. Simmons stated that he had <br />been informed by Mr. Jack Stone from the Durham-Orange Employment and <br />Training Service that funds were available. The Chairman explained to <br />Dr. Simmons the action which were taken by the Board on September 6, 1977, <br />allocating all available funds to the weatherization program sponsored by <br />JOCCA. <br />Item 6: The Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Transporta- <br />tion has requested the Board of Commissioners favorable consider a resolu- <br />_. Lion endorsing the three hundred million dollar road bond issue to be voted <br />upon November 8, 1977. <br />The Board reviewed a County by County breakdown of monies to be re- <br />ceived over the next five years for roads. Commissioner Pinney pointed out <br />that Orange County would receive approximately $340,000 additional monies <br />over the next two years for Orange County Secondary Roads. <br />UPon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted to endorse the three hundred million dollar road <br />bond issue by approving the resolution. <br />