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John Link said that once the school board has funding in their budget, it is their money. If <br />they have $50,000 in their fund balance, they can spend that for preliminary work. What this is <br />saying is that if additional funds are needed for preliminary planning, the schools will need to come <br />before the County Commissioners for approval. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she wants to know what items would be included in the <br />funds for planning. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to page 4 under Site Standards and suggested <br />changing the third bullet to say, "The availability of public utilities within the urban service <br />boundaries." There was a consensus to make this change. <br />Commissioner Brown said that there was no specific reference to value engineering and <br />asked if it should be included. Donna Dean said that it was mentioned on page 6 and was called <br />"cost effective facilities initiative." <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the concept pre-planning phase and said that it <br />does need clarification. He suggested that the document could be specific on what would be <br />included in the pre-planning phase. He made reference to potential school sites and asked why <br />these discussions would not be in closed session. Geoffrey Gledhill said that typically school boards <br />will have already selected a site and made an option on the property before they come before the <br />County Commissioners to request the necessary funds. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 3, the first page of Attachment 1, and the <br />fact that the Superintendents will provide the County Manager with project updates. He would like to <br />make sure that these are written project updates for the Board to see. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 5 under Construction Standards and said <br />that it should be clear that co-location of facilities is to be encouraged where appropriate. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to page 5 and the last paragraph where it uses an <br />example of a "larger than standard gymnasium". It would seem that although this is used as an <br />example that it is something that fits in with the standards that have been developed for parks. She <br />said that the standards for parks may not have been brought to the attention of the school boards. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked who decides when there is an opportunity for co-location of <br />facilities. John Link said that the memo of understanding says that this process is one between the <br />schools, the Towns, and the County. Commissioner Halkiotis asked where the coordination would <br />come from. <br />Chair Carey said that when this document is brought back with the revisions, the <br />Memorandum of Agreement for Providing Coordinated Site and Facility Planning should also be <br />included. <br />Commissioner Brown suggested that maybe once a year the Board and the school <br />boards review the documents that have been agreed upon. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve a policy on planning and funding school capital projects with the following revisions: 1) <br />Clarification on the pre-planning and planning process; 2) The discussions about sites in an open or <br />closed session; and 3) Clarification on the Memorandum of Agreement for Providing Coordinated <br />Site and Facility Planning. This also includes the changes in language by Commissioner Brown and <br />Commissioner Gordon. A corrected copy will be in the Permanent Agenda File in the Clerk's office <br />and also placed in the policy handbook located in the Clerk's office. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />It was decided that a revised copy would be submitted to the County Commissioners on <br />November 1St for their confirmation of the changes made. <br />b. Draft Schools Adeauate Public Facilities Ordinance Memorandum of Understandina <br />Transmittal <br />The Board discussed and considered transmitting the proposed Schools Adequate Public Facilities <br />memorandum of understanding and ordinance, and a resolution of support from the Schools and <br />Land Use Councils to the two school boards and the municipalities in Orange County. <br />