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Commissioner Gordon suggested calling this a task force and referring things to the task <br />force as necessary. <br />Commissioner Gordon made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adopt and <br />authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below, changing the name of the task force to the <br />School Facilities Task Force. <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A TASK FORCE TO REVIEW AND DISCUSS MATTERS OF <br />MUTUAL INTEREST TO ORANGE COUNTY, THE CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO CITY SCHOOLS, <br />AND THE ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOLS <br />Whereas, a task force comprised of two members each of the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education, and the Orange County Board of <br />Education met productively several times in 2000 to discuss matters related to school funding <br />options and a proposed policy on planning and funding school capital projects, and <br />Whereas, a topic at the September 25, 2000 joint work session among those three governing <br />boards was the possible establishment of a work group to meet periodically to discuss matters of <br />mutual interest that arise out of such joint work sessions or through other circumstances, and <br />Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners recognizes the need for a possible November 2001 <br />bond referendum to fund some School and County long-range capital needs, and <br />Whereas, the Board of Commissioners views school construction standards and school capacity as <br />integral components in projecting the need for future capital facilities, and <br />Whereas, the Board of Commissioners believes that it would be beneficial to receive direct input <br />from school elected officials regarding these components and the need for future schools; <br />Now, therefore be it resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby <br />endorse the creation of a School Facilities Task Force that will meet periodically as needed to <br />address matters of mutual interest, to be comprised of two members each from the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners, Orange County Board of Education, and Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of <br />Education, with those governing boards to designate their own representatives, and <br />Be it further resolved that this task force should undertake as its first set of tasks the development <br />of recommendations concerning school construction standards, school capacity, and any other <br />related matters that have a bearing on the scope and elements for school facilities that might be <br />included in a probable November 2001 bond referendum, with task force work to begin by November <br />2000, and delivery of a report on these matters to the Orange County Commissioners no later than <br />January 18, 2001. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Halkiotis and Chair Carey will serve on this task force and Commissioner <br />Jacobs will be the alternate. <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS -None <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS -None <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION -CONSENT AGENDA <br />