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additional $31,000 in costs for these positions. There is no federal funding involved in these <br />positions. The state is proposing to cut the funding from one half to one quarter. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that the County fund one position instead of three- <br />quarters of two positions. The other position would be a half-time County, half-time state position. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the involvement of these positions in animal waste <br />issues. She asked how this program was doing in Orange County. It was answered that this <br />program was a great success and these two positions would work with the farmers to help with the <br />mandates. <br />ERCD - Planning/Water Resources Technician <br />This is a request for an increase in hours. <br />Aging -Office Assistant II (2) <br />This is a request for an increase in hours. <br />Social Services -Social Worker III <br />This is a request for an increase in hours. <br />Orange Public Transportation -Transportation Coordinator <br />This is a request to extend this position an additional fiscal year. <br />Health/Personal Health -Senior Public Health Educator (Bilingual Coordinator) <br />This is a request to extend this position an additional fiscal year. This is agrant-funded <br />position. <br />Health/Personal Health -Intensive Home Visiting (4 positions) <br />This is a request to extend these positions an additional fiscal year. These are grant- <br />funded positions. <br />John Link clarified that no action was to be taken on the new positions and the changes in <br />the existing positions tonight. The suggestions from the Board will be incorporated into the budget. <br />3. EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 <br />John Link indicated that there were two decisions to be made on the employee <br />compensation for 2000-2001: <br />~:~ The amount of the Cost of Living Increase <br />~:~ The amount of the In-Range Salary progression <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes said that the recommended amount of the cost of living <br />increase is 3%. This is based on cost of living and market factors. She made reference to the low <br />unemployment rate in Orange County and said that the County is having trouble recruiting for <br />technical and specialized jobs. The staff is recommending that in-range salary progression <br />continue as a half step to continue to pursue the objective of providing for employee advancement. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked Elaine Holmes to get the information on what Triangle J <br />Council of Governments was doing for employee compensation as comparative information. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that the Manager come back with scenarios for a cost of <br />living increase of 2%, 2.2%, 2.5%, and 3%. The 2.2% is from the 10-year average. <br />Commissioner Brown would like to see a list of the recipients of the Meritorious Service <br />Awards. She is concerned about the recruitment issue and suggested looking at a cafeteria plan <br />for next year. She also mentioned getting paid for vacation that is not used. <br />