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_. ~ ,~ <br />i ~ . . <br />Dr. Gaede quoted a statement of Rev. William Richardson, which said <br />that people should be given an opportunity to live where they want to, <br />whether in a mobile home or in a site built home. <br />Gerry Soldi, a resident .of Mt. Siani Road, stated that she felt the <br />area under discussion should remain under the County jurisdiction. She <br />stated that as County residents, the people in the proposed extended area <br />could vote for the County Commissioners whereby they would not be per- <br />mitted to vote for the Chapel Hill Board of Aldermen. She stated that <br />during the past year, the County had spent time, money and energy to <br />develop a land use plan in the County's townships. Public hearings have <br />been held in the New Hope area by the Planning Staff, and presently Town- <br />ship Advisory Councils are being established which will give people from <br />the various areas of the County a voice as to what happens to their town- <br />ship. She asked that these Advisory Councils be given an opportunity to <br />work and to keep the areas of authority sharply defined. The New Hope <br />area would like to stay under the County's jurisdiction. <br />John Kline, a resident of the New Hope area, and a member of the New <br />Hope Fire Department, spoke in opposition to the request for extension. <br />He stated that on October 3, 1977, at a meeting of the New Hope Volunteer <br />Fire Department, the Department had voted to oppose the request. He added <br />that serious democratic problems would arise if this request was granted. <br />Charles Johnston, a resident of Whitfield Road, spoke against the <br />request. He stated that if the area must be zoned, it should be zoned <br />under the authority of people for whom we have a vote. He added that <br />there was no justification for the extension for this large. an area of <br />extension. <br />Richard Sparrow who lives in the Southern Triangle area, which is <br />proposed to be taken into the extension by Chapel Hill, stated that he <br />was personally opposed to the request. Mr. Sparrow stated that many older <br />families lived in this area and were opposed to the extension. He <br />respectfully requested the request be denied. <br />Ellen Cheek of the Southern Triangle area presented a petition to be <br />filed with the Chapel Hill Planning Board and to the County Commissioners, <br />of 119 signatures opposing the request for extension. Ms. Cheek stated <br />that residents in her area wanted to maintain their rural setting. <br />Ray Sparrow who has been a life long resident of Chapel Hill, and now <br />lives in Carrboro, with plans to go back to the Chapel Hi11 area spoke. <br />Mr. Sparrow stated that the policies of Chapel Hill tended to attempt to <br />create an "elite" Town. He stated that because of the planning policies <br />of Chapel Hill, many of the older families have moved out of the Town into <br />other areas. Some of the planning policies have caused financial burdens <br />for people who cannot affort to oppose the policies. He added that the <br />- people in his area could not vote for or against the Chapel Hill hoard of <br />Alderman. However, they do have a vote for the County. Mr. Sparrow ended <br />his remarks by stating that the Chapel Hill Planning Board and the Board <br />of Alderman wanted this area for their purposes, and not for the good of <br />the people living in this area. <br />Ellen Cheek asked that the members of the Planning Boards identify <br />the areas of the County in which they live. <br />This was done and Chairman Boaar explained that the County Planning <br />Board was made up of persons from each township within the County. <br />Lise Price asked that the Planning Director point out on the map the <br />areas which would be urbanized over the next ten years. <br />Mr. Dobson stated that the areas started at the Durham County line <br />and moved along the Weaver Dairy Road and down Hwy. 86 and past State Road <br />1777 and then met the present Chapel Hi11 Planning line. Then down into <br />the area paralleled with the Horace Williams Airport to about 2000 feet <br />above the Carrboro City limits to a point along Hwy. 86. <br />Ms. Price, a resident of North Forest Hills, stated that currently <br />the planning. district line ran through the North Forest Hills and that <br />it does not make sense to divide the area, but to include the community <br />in the planning district of Chapel Hill. <br />Charles Johnston pointed out that Ms. Prase was not in favor of <br />extended the planning area in all the. proposed locations. <br />