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T'. .- <br />4 ., <br />25,000. Mx. Jennings showed on a map the existing planning azea <br />of the Town of Chapel Hill which is about 19.8 square miles, and of <br />that about 10 square miles is in the corporate limits. This existing <br />planning area was established in 1955 and has been in effect for 25 <br />years to this date. <br />The effect of this extension would permit the Town of Chapel Hill <br />in its planning far this area, to implement zoning and subdivision regula- <br />tions. This action would not be an annexation of the area. People in <br />this area would not pay any additional taxes. The people living in this <br />area would receive representation on the Town's Planning Board. <br />Mr. Jennings presented a map of the proposed area to be extended. <br />He stated that one hope of the Town of Chapel Hill is to provide for <br />a Green Belt around the developed areas of Chapel Hill. .- <br />Chairman Gustaveson then asked Ervin Dobson, County Planning Director, <br />to speak of the County's Land Use Planning for this area. <br />Mr. Dobson explained that the past year, the County Planning <br />Staff has been working with the Chapel Hill and Garrboro Planning Staffs <br />and various community groups to devise a Land Classification System, <br />which was adapted by the County Board of Commissioners this past Spring. <br />He stated that this plan was a broad blue print for sound land manage- <br />ment and not a mechanism for zoning. Mr. Dobson pointed out the developed <br />areas in Chapel Hill Township, the transision areas, which are capable of <br />becoming urbanized over a l0 year period. This area should be provided <br />with urban services within the next year., This is an 8.6 square mile <br />area. He pointed out the community areas which are cluster of rural develo~• <br />ments. Water and sewer would not be available for these areas, but a <br />variety of uses which would compliment each other for this rural setting. <br />Mr. Dobson pointed out the rural transistion areas on the map. He stated <br />that these areas could possa.ble become urbanized over the next 20 years. <br />Therefore, there .is a need to have good coordination of roads, utilities, <br />and etc. in terms of subdivision development. He last of all pointed nut <br />the green belt areas of Chapel Hill Township. He stated that this land <br />was classified as conservation land used for recreation, and scenic re- - <br />Sources. All streams in the Township should be treated as critical areas. <br />Mr. Dobson pointed out the rural areas on the map and stated that these _ <br />areas would be low density, residential/farm living. <br />Chairman Gustaveson turned the meeting over the Gounty Planning <br />Board Chairman, Dr. Robert Bonar. <br />Dr. Bonar stated that the meeting would be open for public input <br />and that the Board would hear from the proponents first. He asked if <br />there were those persons who wished to speak in support of the extension. <br />No one came forth. <br />Dr. Bonar asked if there were those who wished to speak in apposi- <br />tion to the extension. <br />B. B. Olive, a resident of Mt. Sinia Rcad, spoke against the exten-- <br />Sion. He stated that he spoke in two capacities. (1) As a resident of <br />the Mt. Sinia Road Community and (2) as coordinator in opposition to the <br />X-40 alternate through Orange County. Mr. Olive stated that not many <br />cf the residents of his area were aware of the public hearing tonight, <br />and he wondered if the meeting had been well advertised. He stated that <br />he was unsure of whether it was wise at this point in time to shift the <br />land use control o£ this area, which is directly related to I-40, from _ <br />the Orange County Planning Department to the Chapel. Hill Planning Depart- <br />ment. He stated that he felt he must object to the extension on the <br />grounds that the shift is unwise at this particular time. <br />Dr. Jane Gaede spoke against the extension request of Chapel Hill <br />"since Chapel Hill has discriminated against individual mobile homes by <br />banning them from its entire twenty square miles of planning area". <br />She asked that "the Gounty Commissioners reject Chapel Hill's proposal <br />until Orange County receives an absolute iron-clad guarantee from the <br />Town of Chapel Hill that all individual mobile homes on individual lots <br />in the extended zoning area will be treated as conforming single-family <br />dwellings, and that all future individual mobile homes located on individ- <br />wally owned lots will be allowed in all the extended district as are to <br />permit site-built single-family residence. <br />