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The Board decided to renew its request for participants to Chapel Hill, Carrboro, <br />Hillsborough, and Mebane. <br />Commissioner Jacobs nominated James Carnahan in the place of Hunter Schofield. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br />to appoint Cara Crisler, Renee Price, Ed Holland, and James Carnahan. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />10. Reports <br />a. Durham County Proposal -New Hope Preserve Interlocal Agreement <br />The Board considered possible participation in a proposal from Durham County to <br />create an interlocal agreement regarding property that is being jointly acquired along the New <br />Hope Creek corridor and to allow staffs from both counties to further define and make <br />recommendations on which lands should be involved in a master plan for the New Hope <br />Preserve; and allow Orange County staff to pursue pre-existing planned and pending park <br />design projects such as Fairview. <br />John Link said that Orange County and Durham County participated in acquiring <br />parcels related to Erwin Trace last spring and they have recently received an interlocal <br />agreement from Durham County. <br />Dave Stancil made reference to page 27, which is a follow-up memo from Durham <br />County with the idea of master planning for the Hollow Rock access area. The map that <br />follows this item is on page 29. Page 30 has the most recent ideas related to this. The staff is <br />interested in the opportunity to create a corridor of open space from Erwin Road to Jordan <br />Lake. The County Attorney and staff have not had a chance to formally review this proposal. <br />There are some other property acquisitions in this area that tie directly into the New Hope <br />Corridor and it may be premature to engage in master planning for this area before the <br />properties are acquired. There are also several park projects that are getting ready to kick off <br />from the County's standpoint (i.e., Fairview Park, Northern Park, and New Hope Park at <br />Blackwood Farm). He said that it would be difficult to do all of these things and engage in an <br />intensive process for the New Hope Preserve this fall also. It might be possible to separate out <br />the pieces that demand immediate attention from the interlocal agreement. The <br />recommendation is to defer consideration of the proposed master plan and allow the staff an <br />opportunity to talk with the City of Durham, Durham County, and the Town of Chapel Hill about <br />what area would make sense from a master planning standpoint. <br />Commissioner Gordon agrees with the Manager's recommendation in terms of master <br />planning, but she would like to move forward. She made a motion to instruct the County <br />Attorney and staff to create an interlocal agreement regarding Erwin Trace that would meet the <br />terms of Orange County's agreement on the joint partners tract. Her motion also included the <br />Manager's Recommendation, to defer discussion of the proposed master plan. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked what this would accomplish as opposed to the Manager's <br />recommendation. Commissioner Gordon said that there are certain financial issues to address <br />and the master plan is a separate thing. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the agreement was that this Board would share the cost of the <br />Erwin Trace property and also share responsibilities related to the managing of the property. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that they also agreed to discuss and execute at a future <br />date an interlocal agreement governing the uses. It seems that the Board would just be <br />reiterating what it had already done. He thinks the Manager's recommendation would be <br />sufficient. <br />