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Commissioner Jacobs asked if Americorps would do the trails in the woods and Dave <br />Stancil said yes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about additional information and a project timetable and <br />Dave Stancil said they could come back October 18th with a timetable. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he thought he remembered a construction date of <br />2007. On October 17th, the Board will be talking about expediting some construction projects <br />because of the market. He asked if they had discussed this. Dave Stancil said that in some <br />cases this will require outside assistance and this will not require any more time than doing <br />everything in-house. It might even take longer to construct it without outside help. The <br />timetable from start to finish is one year. <br />Commissioner Jacobs requested that if and when they approve this, that it be mailed <br />along with a timetable to all participants of this group and put up at the Northern Human <br />Services Center and the neighborhood organizations and stores. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to using outside consultants and said that <br />there are some outside consultants that he would not approve because of their past history. <br />He would hope that if there were people in Orange County that do this kind of work that they <br />would be allowed to bid on the project. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the master plan for the Northern Park (at the Northern Human Services Center) and <br />authorize staff to create and submit a site plan application for the park based on the master <br />plan and proposed Phase I facilities. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Appointments <br />(1) Unified Transportation Advisory Board -Initial Appointments <br />The Board considered making initial appointments to the Orange County Unified <br />Transportation Advisory Board. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested moving Nancy Cole Baker to the Pedestrian Access <br />position from the Bingham Township position. <br />Commissioner Foushee nominated Commissioner Gordon as the County <br />Commissioner liaison. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested staggering the terms of the appointees and <br />suggested positions to receive one year, two years, and three years. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br />to make the appointments as listed in the agenda abstract, with the change of Nancy Cole <br />Baker to the Pedestrian Access position, and including Commissioner Gordon as the County <br />Commissioner liaison. The Clerk's office will stagger the terms of the appointees as suggested <br />by Commissioner Gordon. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />(2) Transfer of Development Rights Taskforce -New Appointments <br />The Board considered making new appointments to the Transfer of Development <br />Rights Taskforce. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested appointing Cara Crisler. Commissioner Jacobs <br />said that Marge Limbert asked to resign and would like Ms. Crisler to replace her. <br />Commissioner Gordon nominated Cara Crisler, Renee Price, Hunter Schofield, and <br />Ed Holland. <br />