Orange County NC Website
9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Employee Health Insurance for 2006 <br />The Board considered renewal of employee health insurance plans through the North <br />Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Health Insurance Trust effective <br />January 1, 2006 and authorizing a transfer of $19,212 from fund balance to the employee <br />health insurance account to supplement the 2005-06 health insurance budget. <br />John Link said that Personnel Director Elaine Holmes will be retiring March 1, 2006 and <br />this is about the 15th time she has gone through this process of examining health insurance. <br />This year, the Board wanted the staff to be especially diligent and to look at causes for <br />increases. He pointed out that this is one of the processes where Elaine Holmes does not <br />receive a lot of recognition. <br />Elaine Holmes said that this has been a difficult process. The purpose of this agenda <br />item is to talk about renewal for calendar year 2006. The County has two plans -Blue Cross <br />Blue Care, which is an HMO (742 employees) and Blue Options, which is a PPO (42 <br />employees). Both of them are insured through the North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners Health Insurance Trust. They had budgeted for up to a 15.9% increase this <br />year, but the actual renewal quote they received was fora 22.3% increase. The principal <br />factor is the increase in claims costs. Also, the utilization of outpatient surgeries and <br />prescription drugs has increased. After receiving the quote of the increase, the staff looked at <br />options of how to address the costs. Attachment 2 outlines five options to reduce the cost for <br />health insurance. The staff is recommending pursuing option 5, which would add a $250 per <br />member deductible to the Blue Care plan and would make no change in benefits for Blue <br />Options. The deductible would apply to hospital inpatient and hospital outpatient services and <br />would not apply to doctor visits or prescription drugs. With the addition of the deductible, the <br />overall cost increase came in at 16.5%. The option requires about $19,000 over the amount <br />budgeted, and they are recommending that it be funded from fund balance. <br />The County Commissioners thanked Elaine Holmes for bringing the different options. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the number of employees enrolled is fewer than the <br />number of total employees. Elaine Holmes said that they do have vacant positions and there <br />are some health insurance waivers if they are enrolled in other health plans. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked some clarifying questions that were answered by Elaine <br />Holmes. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br />to approve the renewal of employee health insurance plans through the North Carolina <br />Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Health Insurance Trust effective January 1, <br />2006 and authorize a transfer of $19,212 from fund balance to the employee health insurance <br />account to supplement the 2005-06 health insurance budget. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Due Diligence Updates on Planned SportsPlex Acquisition <br />The Board reviewed progress related to several aspects of the planned acquisition of <br />the Triangle SportsPlex property. <br />John Link said that they have good news on the financial status of the Sportsplex <br />operation and a good report from Corley Redfoot Zack. <br />Rod Visser said that they are bringing forward issues related to the auditing of the <br />financial records of the facility. Robin McDuffie from Blackman and Sloop was present to <br />answer questions and provide details. The bottom line is that the financial reporting has been <br />correct in terms of the cash position. Also, Corley Redfoot and Zack have been back through <br />