Orange County NC Website
Chair Jacobs said that the opening of the Little River Regional Park is tentatively <br />scheduled for Sunday, December Stn <br />Chair Jacobs said that he represented the Board of County Commissioners at an event <br />hosted by Duke Forest, at which they announced formally that they had dedicated 1,200 acres <br />to be put into the North Carolina Heritage Program. Of the twelve sites, nine were in Orange <br />County. He said that he had asked Dave Stancil to print the draft memorandum of <br />understanding that the Board has been trying to negotiate with Duke, and he happened to see <br />the person there that has been the holdup. He saw this person in the parking lot at the event <br />and handed the MOU to him. Hopefully this can move forward. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he represented the Board of County Commissioners at the 25tH <br />anniversary of Carol Woods, which has 460 residents. He also talked with one of the <br />Administrators from UNC and mentioned what Duke had just done (preserving areage), and <br />the person was actually embarrassed that Duke had been willing to do this and UNC had done <br />nothing and has even resisted protecting permanently any of its acreage. <br />Chair Jacobs said that at the Duke event, Becky Heron, the County Commissioner from <br />Durham, pleaded with Duke to let them know when properties are for sale in Durham County <br />so that they may acquire them. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he represented the Board of County Commissioners at the North <br />Carolina Conference on Aging and Orange County won an award for its Master Aging Plan. <br />This is considered a model in North Carolina and beyond and it is a testament to the seniors <br />and staff. He recognized Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore and gave him the <br />award. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he represented the Board of County Commissioners at the <br />celebration of the 35th anniversary of EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education <br />Program). He said that he pointed out to the group that the Orange County Commissioners <br />have maintained a social safety net and were able to put money toward maintaining three <br />positions in the EFNEP program because of the social safety net. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about a time for the Little River Park dedication on the Stn <br />and Chair Jacobs said that it has not been set, but it will be post-church time. <br />4. County Manager's Report <br />John Link asked Health Director Rosemary Summers to come forward to give an <br />update about the flu vaccine. He has heard conflicting reports. <br />Rosemary Summers said that it is confusing because they get conflicting messages. It <br />is a very unstable situation at this time. She said that the Health Department has received this <br />week, 1,700 dosages that have been previously committed for high-risk groups. Most of these <br />are previously scheduled appointments. They now have enough to honor the high-risk <br />patients. In a normal year, the Health Department alone will provide between 4,000-5,000 flu <br />shots. The normal high-risk population is about 55%. Nationally, the country only received <br />about 50% of the expected doses. Not all of this has been distributed. She said that Chapel <br />Hill Pediatrics received all of their privately purchased vaccine in a single shipment, and has <br />opened their doors to provide high-risk vaccinations to all populations in Orange County. The <br />last two Saturdays, they have had walk-in clinics. The Health Department sent four nurses to <br />help with the vaccinations. Other providers have not received the full amount of dosage. The <br />Health Department is in conference calls with the State on a daily basis to get updates on the <br />national situation. The next level of distribution at the national level is going to be to long-term <br />care providers, hospitals, and all of the pediatric and other groups that ordered federal <br />vaccine. Beyond that, they will look at redistributing any remaining Aventis doses to cover <br />some of the practices and populations that only ordered from Chiron. <br />