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win community service awards and he asked that they be recognized at a future Board of <br />County Commissioners' meeting. <br />Rod Visser said that the Chamber of Commerce has had community service awards <br />each year and public service agencies in the County are asked to nominate people. Assistant <br />Fire Marshall Jerry Wagner was nominated and received the award for the Outstanding <br />Emergency Management Employee of the Year. He noted that Mr. Wagner is serving in Iraq <br />and he was back for two weeks and received this award. The Sheriff's Department also had a <br />nominee, Chris Wagner, who also received a Public Service Officer of the Year award. The <br />staff will make sure that these people receive recognition at a County Commissioners' meeting. <br />Commissioner Carey reported that he and Commissioner Halkiotis met with Durham <br />Tech representatives and they are making progress. The Board will be receiving an update <br />soon on activities that have occurred to date and the next steps. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Transportation Advisory Committee of the Durham- <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization is discussing funding strategies. She <br />thinks the Board should have a session or an expression of opinion on what strategies the <br />Board of County Commissioners would like to support. <br />Commissioner Gordon mentioned that citizens can vote early and that they do not have <br />to wait until November 2nd. There are three sites -Orange County Board of Elections in <br />Hillsborough, Carrboro Town Hall, and in Chapel Hill at the Morehead Planetarium. The hours <br />when all three sites are open are from 9-5 Monday through Saturday. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would like for the Board to meet with DOT again. <br />He said that on his way to this meeting, he came into a dangerous situation trying to cross I-85 <br />on NC 86. He said that there are not enough lanes to handle the traffic that is on this <br />roadway, especially with the upcoming development of retail. He would like to request that the <br />Board ask the Manager to put a letter together to DOT to do a traffic analysis on this area of I- <br />85 and NC 86. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that Health Director Rosemary Summers is here tonight for <br />an update on flu vaccines. He thinks government has failed its citizens and government needs <br />to get back in the business of manufacturing flu vaccines. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he voted the other day, and in Hillsborough the ladies <br />explained the procedures on how to vote, and it was a complicated process. He asked that <br />the Board of Elections send the Board information about how each polling place will explain to <br />people how to vote. He found it very confusing. He said that the Sheriff's Department has <br />promised to help with traffic control at some of the polling areas because of limited parking. <br />Commissioner Brown said that Director of Orange-Person-Chatham Mental Health Tom <br />Maynard resigned last week. The Transition Committee met this past week to discuss issues <br />such as the interim director after Tom Maynard leaves at the first of December. The committee <br />will meet again in another week. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the daycare subcommittee from the Social Services <br />Board has met one time. This subcommittee was set up to specifically address the issues of <br />the money the Board of County Commissioners set aside for potential daycare issues. There <br />will be an in-depth study that will come back to the County Commissioners in January. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if there would be a report on how money should be spent <br />in terms of priorities. Commissioner Brown said that she thinks they would look at the entire <br />issue of eligibility and who was being funded. The Social Services Board would make some <br />recommendations. <br />Chair Jacobs asked John Link where they are with updating the noise ordinance. He <br />knows it was on the Planning Board's agenda. He would like to know what progress they are <br />making. <br />