Minutes - 20031016
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20031016
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Last modified
8/14/2009 3:33:54 PM
Creation date
8/14/2009 3:33:06 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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probability, so will the needs of the school systems. And consequently I don't see those <br />gains being in the cards. I think the bottom line here is that this is an end run around <br />local democracy. I mean, that's what people are trying to do - do an end run around <br />local democracy. Democracy can be damned inconvenient. But the people in the <br />north, who, even though they cry poverty, they have about the same tax base per <br />student as people in the south. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro district could vote to equalize <br />your taxes. They choose not to. That's their right. I guess that's my bottom line. <br />Thank you. <br />Gloria Faley: I wasn't going to speak tonight, but I am bothered by the slurs that have <br />come back and forth across lines. I am especially bothered by the statements that have <br />been made about Chapel Hill-Carrboro citizens, about being prejudiced or being elitist. <br />These are the same people that backed three separated bond packages, and those <br />three bond packages had funding for Orange County schools, and they never <br />questioned it, it never bothered them, they supported it. And I wanted to understand <br />where were these slurs from. It's fear. It's fear because not all the questions were <br />answered, and when we make a statement, "well maybe we can answer the questions <br />after the process is done" that fear grows even more. All the questions need to be <br />answered. All the angles need to be looked at. That takes time -reasonable, <br />responsible, definitive solutions take time, take conversation, and take research. And if <br />you think that the fear will subside after the merger, then look at Guilford, look at <br />Durham, and especially look at Charlotte/Mecklenburg, where they actually showed that <br />after the merger there was a definitive resegregation of schools because schools and <br />redistricting now became battlefields. "By God, I will protect my school at all costs." <br />And that happened and there were poor schools, and there were rich white schools. <br />That occurred and is still occurring in Charlotte/Mecklenburg. And the one thing that I <br />thought of and I hope that you look at the report that came out from Dr. Pederson that <br />the Board was going to look at this evening but ran out of time because we were trying <br />to make it to this meeting. There was a certain amount of wisdom to the 1986 study <br />that took awhile. And there were recommendations that came out of that - <br />recommendations that did not turn into action. Does that mean that we can't take that <br />action now? We can. And as one very final comment, a 7t" point bulletin in Dr. <br />Pedersen's report, it says, "It avoids a merger debate that would divide residents <br />throughout the County and replaces it with a model based on goodwill and trust that two <br />districts can and will collaboratively work effectively together and best serve the <br />students of this County." Thank you. <br />Chair Brown: We ask that if you would like to speak at our next meeting next Thursday <br />at Cedar Ridge High School, please, we would want to hear from you. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />adjourn at 11:00 p.m. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Margaret Brown, Chair <br />
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