Minutes - 20031016
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20031016
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Last modified
8/14/2009 3:33:54 PM
Creation date
8/14/2009 3:33:06 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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cross purposes, which is what we do every single year at budget time. You'll miss the <br />opportunity to share our strengths, miss the opportunity to expand the experiences of <br />our students in both the systems. You'll miss opportunities to gain savings and <br />operating expenses, and capital expenses. We need to look back on these years from <br />now and know that we did the right thing. If you've thought about these kids, then use <br />your authority to do what they need you to do. Don't find a solution of convenience; <br />don't find an easy way out. You need to stand strong and take responsibility. <br />Tammie Stephenson: Hi, I'm Tammie Stephenson and I am neither from northern <br />Orange County or southern Orange County. I'm from eastern Orange County, I guess, <br />I'm up near the Orange/Durham County line. And I'm a bus driver for Cedar Ridge. <br />And I'm a bus driver because I have the choice to be a bus driver and it's not for <br />income, and I'm glad to do it. And I'm here to speak for the Orange County citizens that <br />deal with day to day that don't quite understand what's going on and I don't think they <br />would come to voice. I do agree that there is a correction of Orange County School per <br />people, but monies that need to be changed, and it needs to be more balanced. I do <br />understand that the merger could cause unnecessary bus rides, inequitable <br />assignments, and there are other alternatives to be seen. So far, all I'm really hearing is <br />financial, and I'd like to see more quality with the student and the impact it would have <br />on them and the administration. A 17-cent tax for the County citizens would strongly <br />impact them and I'm not sure how many could afford it because I work out in the park, <br />so I don't represent the average northern County system. Achievements will not <br />necessarily result from equal funding. Do not rush your decision, for unforeseen <br />consequences will result, and without an alternative plan, the students and faculty will <br />suffer. I do agree that we have two unique and sound school systems, and I request <br />that I have a choice. That I have a choice to be heard, to have an input, to choose <br />where my child needs to go to school so that he can be academically and socially met, <br />and a choice for children to go year round and a choice of whether to be able to ride the <br />bus or to be a community school, not because my district was changed because of a <br />merger. And I'm not for or against the merger. I just want your leadership in <br />establishing a sound resolution to the inequities in the Orange County and Chapel Hill <br />school systems. <br />Jim Rabinowitz: Thank you for staying so late to hear me. I've been a resident of this <br />area for 23 years - 19 of those in Orange County. I've seen large changes in the <br />County during that time. Currently, I'm a Chapel Hill school district parent. It has been <br />stated that the County school district is under funded, and it is a natural result of the <br />special school district tax in Chapel Hill. The relevant question appears to be how can <br />the funding in the Orange County school district be improved without harming the <br />Chapel Hill school district. The County as a whole needs to find a remedy for this <br />problem. Combining the two school districts may perhaps solve this problem if the <br />taxes raised a sufficient amount to properly support the new system. I would support <br />such a change and would urge you to support such a change if I were convinced that <br />the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School district would not suffer from a merger. I'd like to just <br />point out that you can have merger, you can't get more money unless you raise taxes <br />somewhere. I agree with the sentiment attributed to Commissioner Carey that if we <br />
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