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Chair Brown: Mr. Wilde, do you have a copy of the issues you brought forward? If <br />you'd like to, just bring it over here or email it to us, that would be fine too. <br />It is our adjournment time and we could take one more person, then we would have for <br />our next meeting, and we definitely wanted to have you come to the next meeting, <br />which is next Thursday up in Hillsborough at Cedar Ridge High School. Our <br />adjournment is at 10:30 always, unless the Board would like to continue. <br />Commissioner Gordon: I would like to continue. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis: Let's just continue. <br />Rick Kennedy: My name is Rick Kennedy. I have three girls in the Orange County <br />schools. And I'm here to tell you, this is a turning point for Orange County. You can <br />believe that we have a long way to go in the Orange County schools. We do a lot of <br />things right, but there is a long way to go. And this is a chance, a tremendous chance <br />for you to use your influence to affect the lives of countless children for years and years <br />and open up opportunities that they are not going to see otherwise. It may be true that <br />people in the County don't vote what they ought to vote for, but sometimes we need to <br />step in, we need to protect the rights of minorities, despite the majority. And these kids <br />are really suffering because of this. When I went to the college fairs at Cedar Ridge and <br />Chapel Hill East, it was never more clear in my life what we're telling these kids when <br />they walk out those doors. It is not the same folks, I am telling you. The possibilities for <br />these kids are completely different. The message they get is completely different. <br />That's why I'm here tonight. This is not about finding the right answer. The right <br />answer is to merge and work together and educate all of our children. This is more <br />about finding the courage to do what you know is right. And that's hard to do. It is hard <br />to stand here when you have a room full of people saying that you're wrong. Imagine <br />for a moment what it would be like if we don't merge. Because we cannot go back the <br />way we were. With this discussion, we have changed everything in Orange County. <br />Every election for County Commissioners will be about protecting Chapel Hill schools, <br />protecting Orange County schools, avoiding that merger -different people, different <br />reasons. But those kids in Orange County will suffer because of that. You can't get a <br />word in edgewise for the County Commissioners if you're from Orange County because <br />Chapel Hill will run those elections. That will be the one and only issue. When Orange <br />County has a district tax, the school board elections will be nothing but a tax referendum <br />every two years and all the energy and all the trouble, all the funding will go into that <br />one issue. Educational issues will be out the window and those kids will get stuck in the <br />middle. That will happen. For all these things people talk about that might happen, who <br />is going to do that? A merged system has the majority of people from Chapel Hill <br />constituting that board. You're not going to let those things ever happen. I don't think <br />anybody wants that to happen. I don't want to make Chapel Hill kids suffer; I want to <br />make people in the County step up to their responsibility to pay to invest in education <br />like they should. And the only way to do that is through merger. A district tax is not <br />going to fly, and they cannot find any other way to make it happen. And not only that, <br />but you'll miss opportunities to unite this County and work together instead of working at <br />