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authority in referendum, we are compliant now with our current system, and yet we're <br />not leaning on that as a reason not to make change and not to make creative change. <br />This is a divisive and disrespectful issue for our communities. My chauffeur is not out <br />there waiting to take me to my mansion here in Chapel Hill. I have a great deal of <br />respect for my Orange County counterparts, and I am supportive of what they wish to <br />accomplish through this effort. I'm not saying that we should not discuss, debate, or <br />consider merger periodically. I am saying, however, that this is not the time to proceed <br />with merger of the two school systems. I also would challenge you, as was done with <br />the first speaker, I don't think the County Commission has the public support or credible <br />platform to consider this issue and make a decision on it at this time. You were not <br />elected with this openly a part of your term agenda. I've checked the relative election <br />statements, and none of those speak to school merger. Therefore, the public did not <br />have an opportunity to consider this in electing the Commissioners, who are here to <br />represent all constituencies. And lastly, with all due respect, I do note that none of the <br />Commissioners have students in any of the public schools in the County. Thank you. <br />Vicki Hill: One main reason that my family moved to Orange County was to attend the <br />year round school and to live in the country. We are 15 minutes away, and for six years <br />have driven my daughter to Hillsborough Elementary, and we've picked her up. <br />Hillsborough Elementary, being a year round school, has a very limited bus system. <br />You cannot compare Hillsborough Elementary's end of grade scores with Grady Brown. <br />They are different schools, their sizes are different, their resources and humans are <br />different. Every school in Orange County makes a big effort to help educate their <br />children, but they're all autonomous and very unique. I've been very active as a <br />volunteer at Hillsborough Elementary. I've coordinated volunteers and I'm involved in <br />the community. Being there for six years, I've gotten to know the faculty and staff and <br />the administration. My daughter has been an academically gifted child in class since 2nd <br />grade. So from 2nd to 5t" grade, she was receiving academically gifted coursework <br />outside of the classroom. There was one AG teacher -the school was 390 kids. That <br />teacher in 3rd grade, when my daughter was in 3rd grade, had 13 children learning <br />algebra. She said she'd never had that many children learning algebra at one time <br />before in 3rd grade. The next year and the year after, she did get an assistant. And <br />each year that possibility of keeping her assistant has been challenged. So that's one <br />AG teacher for a school of 390, and each year the enrollment, and the children being <br />recommended to academically gifted classes at that school has increased, but the <br />resources weren't. There are children who fall through the cracks and that's not fair. <br />When parents come in as volunteers and help raise those end of grade scores like <br />they've done at Hillsborough Elementary, which has been named for two years as a <br />school of excellence, some of the other children fall through the cracks. There's an <br />alternative school that has yet to open this year, I believe, in Orange County Schools. <br />That alternative school has children who are high school level and they are not able to <br />go to school for some reason during the daytime. This alternative school would meet at <br />night, and in the past when it's been held, it met at night, and the teenagers would have <br />computers and maybe one human to interact with them. The alternative school in <br />Chapel Hill, as I understand it, is a daytime driven school and there is more than one <br />person there to help the teenagers interact and learn. I urge the Commissioners to <br />