Minutes - 20031016
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20031016
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Last modified
8/14/2009 3:33:54 PM
Creation date
8/14/2009 3:33:06 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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to vote is a very precious civil right. The voters should be allowed a right to vote on <br />merger in a binding referendum. The law that forbids a referendum in Commissioner <br />initiated mergers is obviously a bad law in defiant opposition to basic democratic <br />principles. The legislature should be asked to repeal the law or at least to pass a local <br />bill allowing referendum in this case. There is no urgent reason to merge; you can wait <br />another year to let the people be heard. <br />I also oppose merger. Terri and I have four children; all of them have spent their whole <br />school careers in the city schools. We don't know anything about the County schools <br />really, whether they are good or bad. Whether they are or not, we don't want to take <br />long bus rides to go to other schools, we are happy with the schools that are nearby. <br />We just went through what to us was a bruising redistricting in the city schools and <br />ended up with what we thought of at that time as a long travel distance of six miles, <br />which is really quite short compared to some of the likely distances that will happen if <br />we have a merger. And, of course, the bus rides' purpose will be socioeconomic <br />balance and make all the test scores at the various schools come out the same, <br />creating an appearance of equality, but really not creating any benefit to those on the <br />bus. And really, the Countywide redistricting would be the mother of all redistrictings. <br />don't ever want to think about it and hopefully won't have to go through it. <br />Michelle Lewis: Good evening. My name is Michelle Lewis, I live in Chapel Hill, and <br />I've been an active member of INFORM. Merging two school systems should not be <br />done lightly. It is a very serious extreme measure that will cause a lot of change to two <br />school systems that are already tops in this State. It is not as if we have one excellent <br />school system and one so-so system. We have two excellent school systems. Each <br />system is a little different, and that's because the people of each district want slightly <br />different things from their schools. School systems are not born overnight; they are <br />cultivated like gardens by the people they serve. The parents of Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />system have labored for many many years to make their school system exactly what <br />they want. So have the parents of the County schools. There is no reason why two <br />school systems need to be exactly the same. Indeed I would argue that our State and <br />our community at large benefits by having diversity. That having been said, I believe it <br />is high time for the 1986 merger studies recommendations to be implemented. We <br />absolutely need to have the funding mechanism adjusted for the County schools, and <br />we absolutely need to have more collaboration between the two systems. I, along with <br />a lot of other parents in Chapel Hill-Carrboro stand ready to support a major <br />collaborative effort between the two systems. We know that the major thrust of this <br />collaborative effort needs to come from our district, and we stand ready to make that <br />happen in a serious, sustained, effective manner. I have talked with many many Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro parents, and can assure you that they want to find a solution that will be <br />best for all children of the County. I believe, and these parents believe that the 1986 <br />merger study had it right -that is that the best solution is to fix the funding problem and <br />have a serious, high level of collaboration between the two school systems. The <br />collaborative steps outlined in Dr. Pederson's proposed options to merger are a good <br />first step. So let's get to it. We've been dawdling around for 17 years since that study. <br />Let's finally implement it. Thank you for your time. <br />
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