Orange County NC Website
The Commissioners will be glad to provide a speaker and/or presentation for <br />your group/organization on the "Potential Impacts of a Possible School Merger". <br />Please send your written request (no emails) to: <br />Clerk to the Board <br />County Commissioners Office <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: (verbatim) <br />Mark Peters: I speak tonight on behalf of the SGC and the PTA of Seawell Elementary <br />School, and we have not yet taken a stand on the position of a merger. However, we <br />are concerned that the rapid pace of the possible merger does not give ample <br />opportunity for the public's questions to be answered before proceeding; that the <br />process lacks mechanisms to poll the public's will in this matter; that the alternatives to <br />merger are not being more seriously considered, for example, the BOCC currently has <br />the power to raise the ad valorem tax and unlevy part or all of the city district tax without <br />referendum and provide OCS with the appropriate or equal funding; that the perceived <br />social injustices have not been identified so that they can be studied in light of <br />alternatives, such as funding equity and school district collaboration; that the currently <br />planned schools may not be built or may be unnecessarily delayed during any possible <br />merger; that bigger is not necessarily better; that the Commissioners have an obligation <br />to represent their constituents, and that no current Commissioners were elected on a <br />platform of merger. <br />At this point, there was applause and Chair Brown asked to make a comment. <br />Chair Brown: If you all would please hold your applause or make any noise, I think it <br />would be much better so that anyone who is speaking is not interrupted or feels under <br />any pressure from anyone. So I would very much appreciate that. <br />Mark Peters continued: That the city schools may not be held harmless in the long <br />run because funding increases that may have otherwise passed in the city schools may <br />be less likely to pass in a merged system; that the time and resources spent studying <br />and executing a possible merger would be better spent focusing on the education of our <br />children and focusing on ABC inequity initiatives; that two elected school boards could <br />be replaced by an appointed school board; that our children may attend schools that are <br />an unreasonable distance from their homes, thereby depriving them of time to <br />participate in other activities or making it more difficult for parents to participate in their <br />children's education. Note that the State recommendation of a maximum of 76 minutes <br />bussing time is two and one half hours per day on a bus. And finally, that a merger <br />would increase the public pressure to develop the rural buffer. We also propose that in <br />lieu of a referendum, the BOCC should poll the School Governance Committees (SGC) <br />