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Z nfor m g-~' - on zt ern <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: August 10, 2009 <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />Frank Clifton, Interim County Manager <br />FROM: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Director <br />SUBJECT: Bradshaw Quarry Road Solid Waste Convenience Center Closure <br />This memorandum outlines the rationale behind the recommendation to close the Bradshaw <br />Quarry Road Solid Waste Convenience Center (SWCC) effective September 21, 2009. <br />During preparation of the Fiscal 2009/10 Budget Solid Waste Management staff received <br />directives from County Management to reduce expenditures, with the assigned budget reduction <br />objective for the Sanitation Division at $136,939. Staff considered and evaluated various <br />reduction options; however the magnitude of the reduction goal was such that program and <br />service reductions became inevitable. <br />Among the reduction options ultimately selected for recommendation to the Board of <br />Commissioners and approved by the Board was the closure of the Bradshaw Quarry Solid <br />Waste Convenience Center. Considerable discussion by the Board ensued in subsequent <br />meetings and work sessions. The key issues related to the Bradshaw Quarry recommendation <br />were: <br />• site has fewest customers and waste volume per hour/day/year of all five SWCC's <br />• site has space constraints that result in fewer services be available (no yard waste, <br />salvage shed or clean wood containers) and ongoing difficulties with collection vehicles <br />operating within the operational area of the site; even the site attendant must park off-site <br />• there are physical impediments to reasonable site expansion <br />• site is leased <br />• when combined with reduction of hours at all sites the closure allowed elimination of one <br />full time position and significant reductions in non-permanent salaries <br />The closure of Bradshaw Quarry Road SWCC, coupled with a reduction in hours at all sites <br />resulted in a FY-2009/10 Budget savings of $119,726 and a projected FY-2010/2011 savings of <br />$141,426. <br />Attachments to this memorandum are staff analyses and reports previously provided to the <br />Board. <br />1) May 5, 2009 Budget Working Document <br />2) May 12, 2009 Budget Working Document <br />3) June 10, 2009 BOCC Work Session Document <br />4) July 24, 2009 Manager's Memo Document <br />5) Handout for Bradshaw Quarry Road SWCC Customers <br />