Orange County NC Website
Topic Area Rogers Road Small Area Plan Rogers Road Community Enhancement Work Accomplished Work to be Responsible Approximate <br /> Recommendation Task Force Recommendation to Date Accomplished Local Cost <br /> Government <br /> Lore` <br />Design and Land The Recommended Master L: TOCH <br />Use Plan on page 17 should <br /> become the basis for a future P: OC, TOC <br /> land use plan amendment for <br /> the R ers Road area. <br /> The Town should take the lead Modify building, zoning, and other L: TOCH <br /> in initiating intergovernmental ordinances that make it difficult/impossible <br /> land use discussions (as for landowners in the Community P: OC, TOC <br /> required by the Joint Planning Enhancement Area to develop their <br /> Agreement) by articulating a property. <br /> new vision for growth in the <br /> area. Do not allow industrial zoning. Do not allow <br /> any zoning that makes this community <br /> vulnerable to big developers. <br /> Do not allow any large development <br /> (including affordable house) on Purefoy <br /> Drive that has no other means of egress <br /> into the Purefoy, Sandberg, and Edgar <br /> Road area other than Purefoy Road. <br /> Ensure adequate representation of this <br /> community in local government decisions <br /> that affect this community, including land <br /> use ordinances. <br />O <br />L = Lead; P =Participatory. OC =Orange County, TOCH -Town of Chapel Hill, TOC =Town of Carrboro, TOH =Town of Hillsborough, NCDOT =North Cazolina Department of Transportation, CHCCS = Cbapei Hill - <br />Ca-rboro City Schools. <br />