Orange County NC Website
Topic Area Rogers Road Small Area Plan <br />Recommendation Rogers Road Community Enhancement <br />Task Force Recommendation Work Accomplished <br />to Date Work to be <br />Accomplished Responsible <br />Local <br />Government <br />Lore' Approximate <br />Cost <br /> Water and sanitary sewer Extend water and sewer mains to provide OC RR L: TOCH and OC RR <br /> mains should be extended to public service to the recently endorsed Neighborhood Water OWASA Waterline <br /> the community. Rogers Road Community Enhancement line connection Connection <br /> Area, (which is the landfill impacted area), project implemented P: OC, TOC Project total <br /> including Ms. Nunn's property, at no cost to in 2001. Thirty-nine cost - <br /> any of the residents. The Task Force (39) applicants were $690,094 <br /> further recommends that water and sewer eligible for general ($581,260 - <br /> connections and OWASA impact fees for fund grant assistance Solid Waste <br /> these connections be provided to the to cover lateral Enterprise <br /> Rogers Road Community Enhancement installation and Fund; <br /> area at no cost to any of the residents. availability/meter $108,834 <br /> Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro fees. General Fund <br /> should utilize Community Development <br /> Block Grants, other grants, or local funds <br /> where allowed by state law to pay for <br /> adding water and/or sewer mains, house OC Housing & Community income Project cost <br /> connections, and OWASA impact fees. CD/County survey to be estimate - <br /> Engineer/OWASA completed; Continue $3.3 million <br /> conducted to pursue other to serve 50 <br /> preliminary due funding sources households <br /> diligence on Letter of <br /> Interest for CDBG <br /> funding for RR sewer <br /> improvements. <br /> Project failed to meet <br /> CDBG need <br /> guidelines for <br /> submittal. <br />0 <br />L = Lead; P =Participatory. OC =Orange County, TOCH -Town of Chapel Hill, TOC =Town of Carrboro, TOH = Town of Hillsborough, NCDOT =North Carolina Department of Transportation, CHCCS =Chapel Hill - <br />Carrboro City Schools. <br />