Orange County NC Website
Comparison of Rogers Road Small Area Plan (Town of Chapel Hill) and <br />Rogers Road Community Enhancement Task Force (Orange County) Recommendations <br />Note: The geographic boundaries of the two planning efforts are different (see attached map). The Town's planning boundary is smaller than the County's planning boundary <br />but the County's planning area contains all of the Town's planning area. <br />Topic Area Rogers Road Small Area Plan Rogers Road Community Enhancement Work Accomplished Work to be Responsible Approximate <br /> Recommendation Task Force Recommendation to Date Accomplished Local Cost <br /> Government <br /> Lore` <br />Trensportation Bus service should be provided Bring the bus service down Rogers Road at An expanded bus L: TOCH <br />and to the existing community and least three times (morning, noon and route is slated to P: TOC, OC <br />Infrastructure bus service should be extended evening). The Task Force also begin service in <br /> as the community develops. recommends that Chapel Hill Transit re- August 2009, <br /> route the North-South connector bus line to providing weekday <br /> serve Rogers Road on either its northbound service between RR <br /> or southbound trip, beginning as soon as and Morris Grove <br /> possible. For the duration of the 2007/2008 Elementary to <br /> service year, the Community Enhancement downtown CH. <br /> Area should be designated as a Shared <br /> Ride Feeder Zone. Build an enclosed and <br /> lighted waiting area at the bus stops. <br /> Improve transportation access Add sidewalks to both sides Rogers Road L: TOCH, TOC <br /> through all modes (vehicles, from Homestead Road to Eubanks Road. <br /> bic cle and edestrian, transit . <br /> New points of ingress and No functional route to L: TOCH <br /> egress to the community should Eubanks Road <br /> be established. through County <br /> Landfill property <br /> identified. <br /> A road should be built that L: TOCH <br /> connects the neighborhood to <br /> Weaver Dai Rd. <br />O <br />L = Lead; P = Pazticipatory. OC =Orange County, TOCH -Town of Chapel Hill, TOC =Town of Cazrboro, TOH = Towa of Hillsborough, NCDOT =North Cazolina Depaztment of Transportation, CHCCS =Chapel Hill - <br />Carrboro City Schools. <br />