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ig <br />habitable structures. Of these, 33 or 73% were eligible for assistance. The remaining 12 <br />applicants were not eligible due to household incomes exceeding 80% of the median <br />income. <br />March 2006 <br />A final Status Report was prepared for a Manager's Memo. The total final Program <br />Summary is as follows. <br />Apulication Intake <br />Total Applications Received: <br />51* <br />* Represents approximately 60% of the total number of habitable structures. <br />Eligibility Analysis <br />Eligible applicants (76%) 39 <br />Ineligible applicants (24%) 12 <br />Total applicants 51 <br />Area Summary <br />Received Water Connections via Assistance Program 39 <br />Ineligible for Water Connection Program 12 <br />Existing Structure - No Application 34 <br />Vacant Lots 29 <br />Total Properties 114* <br />* The earlier estimate of 113 properties with 96 habitable structures was corrected <br />at the end of the project based on actual data to a total of 114 properties in the <br />project area with 85 habitable structures. <br />Total Proiect Costs <br />Water Distribution System Construction Costs $581,260 <br />OWASA overhead and administrative costs $ 39,138 <br />OWASA Meter and Connection/Availability Fees (for 36 units) $ 34,776 <br />Plumbing Connection Costs 34 920 <br />Total $690,094 <br />