Orange County NC Website
lc~ <br />A Historical Review of County Investment in the Exuansion of Water Service <br />to the Rogers Road Neighborhood <br />Anri117, 2000 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) approved a contract with the <br />Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) to construct an extension of existing <br />OWASA water lines to serve designated properties of the historic Rogers Road <br />neighborhood. <br />Background language from the Agenda Abstract <br />Governing boards from all member governments of the Landfill Owners Group <br />(LOG) approved a series of benefits to be provided to neighborhoods in the vicinity of <br />the existing landfill on Eubanks Road. In early 1999, asub-committee of the LOG <br />met and issued recommendations regarding the extension of water lines to serve <br />various properties in and around the historic Rogers Road neighborhood. <br />In accordance with the interlocal agreement governing the organization and <br />structure of solid waste management in Orange County it has become the <br />responsibility of the County to implement the remaining landfill community benefit <br />commitments. At its meeting on November 3, 1999, the BOCC adopted a resolution <br />directing staff to begin working with OWASA to begin the process to design and <br />construct the water lines that will serve the Rogers Road neighborhood. County and <br />OWASA staff have conferred a number of times since then. OWASA has developed a <br />proposal under which OWASA would contract for and manage this construction <br />project. It has been the Board's stated intention to use reserves from the landfill <br />enterprise fund to pay the costs of extending the water lines into the Rogers Road <br />neighborhood. <br />The projected cost of constructing the water line extension project with <br />administrative and engineering costs that time was $550, 000. The total project cost <br />increased and $675, 000 was appropriated in FY 2000-2001 to cover the costs. <br />January 18, 2001 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) authorized OWASA to negotiate <br />the purchase of temporary construction and permanent utility easements for the Rogers <br />Road waterline project. <br />November 13, 2001 <br />At a scheduled work session, the BOCC received a report from staff on the possible <br />parameters of aCounty-funded program that would provide grants to property owners in <br />the Rogers Road Waterline project target area to connect to the installed water mains. At <br />