Orange County NC Website
Topic Area Rogers Road Small Area Plan <br />Recommendation Rogers Road Community Enhancement <br />Task Force Recommendation Work Accomplished <br />to Date Work to be <br />Accomplished Responsible <br />Local <br />Government <br />Lore" Approximate <br />Cost <br /> The Task Force recommends that residents Solid Waste Staff L: OC <br /> living near the Orange Regional Landfill have not received <br /> take initiative in identifying perpetrators of any reports of illegal <br /> illegal dumping near the landfill to assist in dumping from Rogers <br /> successful prosecutions. Identification of Road residents. <br /> vehicles, license tags, drivers, and/or types <br /> of articles discarded should be made when <br /> possible. <br /> The BOCC should coordinate with the <br /> Orange County Attorney to pass legislation, <br /> which provides for civil penalties for illegal <br /> dumping to make it easier to penalize <br /> people who litter or dump. In addition, the <br /> BOCC will publicize the names of those <br /> convicted of illegal dumping. The BOCC <br /> should increase enforcement of anti- <br /> dumping laws in the Community <br /> Enhancement Area <br /> The Task Force recommends that additional <br /> "No Littering" signs be erected in the <br /> neighborhoods near the landfill. <br /> Allow power to be turned on in power L: TOCH, <br /> outages in a different order so we are not Duke Power <br /> next to last every time. <br /> Pay more attention to our roads during ice L: TOCH, <br /> and snow events. TOC, NCDOT <br /> Expand fire, EMS, and sheriff services as L: TOCH, <br /> soon as possible. TOC, OC <br />O <br />L = Lead; P = Pazticipatory. OC =Orange County, TOCH - Town of Chapel Hill, TOC = Town of Cazrboro, TOH =Town of Hillsborough, NCDOT =North Cazolina Department of Transportation, CHCCS =Chapel Hill - 11 <br />Carrboro City Schools. <br />