Orange County NC Website
Topic Area Rogers Road Small Area Plan Rogers Road Community Enhancement Work Accomplished Work to be Responsible Approximate <br /> Recommendation Task Force Recommendation to Date Accomplished Local Cost <br /> Government <br /> Lore' <br />Other Topic Reduce the odor from the landfill and Odor control masking No further L: OC Odor Control <br />Areas convenience center now!! Pursue a and neutralizing experimentation F~cpenditures <br /> masking. agent atomization for landfill agents tested, with projected. P: TOCH = $17,356 <br /> working face. Complete landfill leachate inconclusive results. <br /> sewer project to eliminate leachate storage <br /> basin as soon as possible. Confer with Leachate Sewer Project complete. Total Cost of <br /> OWASA and utilize best management Construction Sewer <br /> practices for the landfill industry to control Complete (March Project = <br /> odor and vermin. For finance: lease the 2009) and Leachate $458,937 <br /> landfill areas to a private company that can Basin Removed (May <br /> harvest the methane gas for profit and to 2009) <br /> help in odor reduction. <br /> Landfill Gas Project Completion of design, <br /> Agreement with UNC permitting, and <br /> (February 2009). construction. <br /> Design and Projected completion <br /> Permittin Underwa . s rin 2010. <br /> Build a barrier wall (beginning with below L: OC <br /> the surface of the ground) to impede stop <br /> rodents and other animals from leaving or P: TOCH <br /> entering the landfill and to decrease noise, <br /> improve air quality. Plant more trees and <br /> other vegetation to obscure the view of the <br /> landfill mount. <br /> Document in writing all meetings concerning L: OC, TOCH, <br /> this neighborhood and have these TOC <br /> documents official) recorded and filed. <br />0 <br />L = Lead; P =Participatory. OC =Orange County, TOCH -Town of Chapel Hill, TOC = Town of Cazrboro, TOH =Town of Hillsborough, NCDOT =North Cazolina Department of Transportation, CHCCS =Chapel Hill - 10 <br />Cazrboro City Schools. <br />