Orange County NC Website
Topic Area Rogers Road Small Area Plan Rogers Road Community Enhancement Work Accomplished Work to be Responsible Approximate <br /> Recommendation Task Force Recommendation to Date Accomplished Local Cost <br /> Government <br /> Lore' <br /> Re-unify this community by de-annexing the L: TOC <br /> west side of this community from Carrboro. <br /> P: TOCH, OC <br /> Do not divide this community between <br /> differentjurisdictions. Do not annex this <br /> communi . <br /> St. Paul Church purchased a 20-acre <br /> property that holds 3-story house and <br /> neighboring cemetery filled with history of <br /> local families. Community would like to see <br /> efforts that that section of the property be <br /> protected from demolition and preserved as <br /> a Historic Site. <br /> Note: St. Paul AME has purchased five <br /> adjoining properties alone the northeast <br /> comer of Rogers Road and Purefov Road <br /> The parcel that contains the 3-story house <br /> and cemetery was included in that <br /> purchase. The house was recorded as part <br /> of a countywide survey for historic <br /> properties or historic architectural resources <br /> in the early 1990's. These countywide <br /> surveys were conducted throughout the <br /> state in conjunction with the North Carolina <br /> State Historic Preservation Office. This <br /> particular house was first recorded in 1992. <br /> and re-surveyed during a 2006 update. <br /> According to notes of the survey there is a <br /> white cemetery (Hogan) in the front yard <br /> and a black (slave) cemetery somewhere in <br /> the back. <br />O <br />L = Lead; P =Participatory. OC =Orange County, TOCH -Town of Chapel Hill, TOC =Town of Carrboro, TOH =Town of Hillsborough, NCDOT =North Cazolina Department of Transportation, CHCCS =Chapel Hill - <br />Carrboro City Schools. <br />