Orange County NC Website
Topic Area Rogers Road Small Area Plan Rogers Road Community Enhancement Work Accomplished Work to be Responsible Approximate <br /> Recommendation Task Force Recommendation to Date Accomplished Local Cost <br /> Government <br /> LorP* <br /> Do not use Eubanks Road as a site for the BOCC initiated new Upgrade of L: OC <br /> transfer station. Leave the Solid Waste site search process in convenience center <br /> Convenience Center at its current location November 2007; was to take place in <br /> on the north side of Eubanks Road. Removed Olver, Inc. conjunction with TS <br /> Upgrade the convenience center waste Site 669 (Eubanks project. Upgrade <br /> containers to enclosed waste containers as Rd) from currently <br /> soon as possible. This will help reduce consideration among unscheduled. <br /> odor and the number of rodents escaping alternate sites in <br /> into the Rogers and Eubanks Roads October 2008. <br /> communities. <br />Community The two remaining historic <br />Preservation buildings in the study area <br /> should be preserved and <br /> integrated into future <br /> communi facilities. <br /> The Town should explore Institute a moratorium on property taxes. L: OC <br /> options similar to the Pay for/subsidize future taxes for the <br /> Homestead Exemption that residents in the community enhancement <br /> would enable current property area for as long as any solid waste facilities <br /> owners, particularly long-time remain in their community. <br /> residents, Habitat residents, <br /> and descendants of the Historic <br /> Community, to retain ownership Pay impact stipend to property owners <br /> of their property. whose land is adjacent to the landfills. Be <br /> vigilant about not allowing residents to lose <br /> their homes and/or property because of <br /> their inability to pay taxes; advocate for <br /> residents who become at risk of losing their <br /> homes and/or land due to inability to pay <br /> property taxes. <br /> Return property taxes paid from the time of <br /> the opening of the landfills. (This would <br /> include Millhouse Road residents.) <br />0 <br />i = i,eaa; r = ramctpatory. uC =orange County, l UCH -Town of Chapel HIlI, TOC = Town of Cazrboro, TOH = Town of Hillsborough, NCDOT =North Cazolina Department of Transportation, CHCCS =Chapel Hill - <br />Catrboro City Schools. <br />