Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: August 18, 2009 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~_ <br />SUBJECT: Rogers Road Area: Cross-Reference of Town and Count Task Force Reports <br />DEPARTMENT: County Manager's Office PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />Planning and Inspections <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />1. Matrix of Recommendations <br />2. Composite Map <br />3. Historical Review of County Investment <br />in the Expansion of Water Service for <br />the Rogers Road Neighborhood <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Gwen Harvey, Assistant County <br />Manager, 245-2300 <br />Craig N. Benedict, Planning Director, <br />245-2592 <br />Perdita Holtz, Senior Planner, 245-2611 <br />Tara Fikes, H & CD Director, 245-2492 <br />PURPOSE: To receive a report from staff representing across-reference of recommendations <br />contained within the reports from the Town of Chapel Hill Small Area Plan Task Force and the <br />County Historic Rogers Road Community Enhancement Plan Task Force and related historical <br />background <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Convergence of Two Task Force Reports <br />The Rogers Road Small Area Plan Task Force was a planning effort initiated by the Town of <br />Chapel Hill in December 2006 and completed in early 2009. The Town Report concluded <br />additional transportation access and the provision of sanitary sewer were needed to improve the <br />infrastructure of existing residents and for the orderly development of the Greene Tract. The <br />Final Report was discussed at the March 26, 2009 Assembly of Governments meeting, including <br />consensus for creating an intergovernmental work group of elected officials and staff to work <br />aggressively to achieve needed financing for community improvements. <br />In 2007 the BOCC engaged in a parallel planning effort known as the "Historic Roger's Road <br />Community Enhancement Plan Development and Monitoring Task Force" which overlapped on <br />the Town planning area. In the final Meeting Summary Report of the County Task Force, it was <br />stressed that "final decisions regarding enhancements would not happen until the final decision <br />of the solid waste transfer station was made". It was also recognized that many of the items on <br />the list would require collaboration with the Towns and that actual financing of enhancements <br />was not the purpose of the Task Force. A Final Report and recommendations from the County <br />Task Force was received by the BOCC as information in December 2008. <br />