Orange County NC Website
s"~ ; ~ i <br />u' ~: ~. <br />Item 18: One vacancy exists on the County Jury Commission. <br />The Chairman informed the Board that Ms. Charlotte Adams had declined <br />to serve a second term on the Jury Commission. He offered the name of <br />Ruth Long as a nominee to the Commission. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and unanimously adopted that Ruth Long be named <br />to the Orange County Jury Commission. <br />Item 19: The Staff will deliver a progress report on the County's <br />Energy Conservation Program. <br />Chairman Whitted recognized Joe Bradshaw, Administrative Assistant. <br />Mr. Bradshaw informed the Board that a budget had been drawn using the <br />County's and Chapel Hill's resources for the Energy Project. The local <br />funding for this program will be on a performance contract by which the <br />County receives an hourly rate charge from the Town of Chapel Hill for <br />services. The County will be responsible for all administration. The <br />Department of Commerce in Raleigh has informed the County that the Grant <br />has been approved, however, the official amount is not known. Interviewing <br />for this position will take place shortly after the 15th of October. It <br />is hoped that the position will be filled by November 1, 1977. One major <br />qualification of the candidates for this position is that this person be <br />able to make recommendations concerning energy efficiency in the existing <br />county buildings. <br />Item 20: Petitions for Rezoning <br />A. The J. H. H. Corporation has requested the Board reconsider <br />rezoning of a tract on the west side of Smith Level Road from Residentiial <br />to General Commercial. <br />The Chairman recognized Eddie Kirk of the County Planning Staff. Mr. <br />Kirk explained that this tract was located partly in the Carrboro Planning <br />jurisdiction, part is on the Chatham County line, and part is under the <br />County's planning jurisdiction. The Carrboro portion is proposed to be <br />zoned Unified Business Development. The rezoning request previously came <br />before the Board and the consideration at that time was the availability <br />of sewer for the area. The agenda attachment, letter from the Chief <br />Engineer for the Orange Water and Sewer Authority, stated that under the <br />Sewer Allocation Policy, sewer capacity (5,000 gallons per day) will be <br />available in either 1978 or 1979 assuming that all the requirements pur- <br />suant to the Allocation Policy are met. Also, the allocations are assigned <br />on a first come, first serve basis. <br />Mr. Hazard, stated that Carrboro's portion of this tract would go <br />before the Board of Aldermen at their next meeting for approval. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that he perferred to wait until Carrboro <br />had acted on their portion. <br />Mr. Hazard stated that J.H.H. could not go to Carrboro with their <br />request until the land was rezoned. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the rezoning request of J.H.H. Corpora- <br />tion be granted from Residential to General Commercial. Commissioner <br />Pinney seconded the motion. <br />The Chairman asked if there was further discussin, and hearing none <br />he called for the vote. Voting aye were Commissioners Gustaveson, Pinney, <br />Walker and Whitted. Voting nay was Commissioner Willhoit. The motion <br />was declared passed. <br />B. The Planning Board unanimously recommends the request of <br />Raymond Williams to rezone a tract on N. C. 86 from Residential to <br />General Commercial be approved. <br />Mr. Kirk stated that this property is located near the Blackwood <br />Station area and is a 1.15 acre tract. The tract is adjoined by a grave <br />yard, mobile home park, the Farm House, which is a general commercial <br />zoned tract, and :there are several houses in the area. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that since the Planning Board had un- <br />animously recommended this request be granted, he would move that this <br />tract be rezoned from Residential to General Commercial. Commissioner <br />Pinney seconded the motion. <br />