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~, ~~ <br />Voting aye on this motion were Commissioners Whitted, Gustaveson, <br />Pinney and Willhoit. Voting nay was Commissioner Walker. The mata.on was <br />declared passed. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, it was moved and adopted to go into executive session to dis- <br />cuss matters regarding pending tax appeals. <br />-Executive session ensued. <br />Item 15: Mr. James Webb, Architect for the Northside Project, will <br />review a proposed change order relating to modification of windows. <br />The Chairman recognized James Webb. Mr. Webb stated that he had come <br />• to the Board to request consideration of two energy saving measures at the <br />Northside School site. One measure is to install "cool shade" screens to <br />deflect the summer sun and reduce heat gain. This would effect an appreci- <br />able energy saving for summer cooling loads. The proposed change order pro- <br />vides for the removal a~ all the old steel sash and the installation of <br />high quality insulating aluminum sash, which would provide an effective <br />thermal barrier in contract to the existing steel sash. Mr. Webb stated <br />that with the implementation of these two measures, one could expect a <br />total reduction in annual average energy demand of some 15 to 18 percent. <br />The total cost for th9.s substitution if $14,016.00. <br />The County Manager stated that he was concerned about the overall <br />economic of the project. The day hospital has already been cut out and <br />there was a possibility that if we cculd accumulate some monies, some work <br />could be started on the day hospital. He added that this project could be <br />faced with some possible overruns and the Board should look at more than <br />one thing. There is presently about a $7,p00 contingency fund in the <br />Northside Building fund, and $3,500 of this cannot be used. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he felt the thereto efficiency <br />would pay for itself in the future. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved that the Board accept the recommendation <br />to add the two energy saving measures. Commissioner Gustaveson seconded <br />the motion. Voting aye on the motion were Commissioner Gustaveson, Pinney, <br />Whitted and Willhoit. Voting nay was Commissioner Walker. The motion was <br />declared passed. <br />The Finance Officer and the County Manager were requested tp make a <br />recommendation to the Board concerning the source of the $14,016. <br />Chairman Whitted explained to Mr. Webb that the County has received a <br />proposal from the Chapel xill Housing Authority concerning the passibility <br />of acquiring 3500 square feet of space within the Northside School Complex. <br />The Chairman asked Mr. Webb to perform a mini-feasibility study to determine <br />how much additional construction can be put on that site. Mr. Webb stated <br />that he would be glad to perform such a study. <br />Item 16: Dr. James Luetze, Chairman of the Advisory Councils of the <br />Durham-Orange Employment and Training Consortium, will outline the proposed <br />program of his group for the coming year. <br />The Chairman recognized Dr. Luetz and L. G. holloman of the Consortium. <br />Dr..Luetze presented to the Board a summary of projected activities for <br />October 1, 1977 through September 30, 197$, He stated that the Durham- <br />. Orange Employment and Training Program plans to serve 1,014 persons in Title <br />I activities during the fiscal year that began October 1. The cost will <br />be $1,299,698. This includes $1,228,168 in a new allocation from Title I <br />of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act and $71,530 in funds being <br />carried over from the fiscal year just ended. As in the past, approximately <br />30 percent of the funds will be spent an participants coming from Orange <br />County and 70 percent will go to Durham County participants. Dr. Leutze <br />reviewed with the Board a breakdown of the programs offered through the <br />Employment and Training Consortium for the coming year and a comparison <br />for the period of October, 1976 to June, 1977. <br />Mr. Holloman stated that the Consortium could serve an increased number <br />of people if the monies were available. He expressed his appreciation <br />to the Chairman of the Berard for his interest and help on the Consortium's <br />Advisory Council. <br />