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~, <br />~r .y, <br />one modification, that the first assessment installment become due 60 days C <br />after the final confirmation of the Assessment Roll. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner' <br />Pinney, the Final Assessment Resolution was adopted with the one modifica- <br />tion that the first assessment installment become due 60 days after the <br />final confirmation of the Assessment Roll. <br />For copy of Final Assessment Resolution, see page 3g5K of this book, <br />The County Manager reported to the Board his conversation with Mr. <br />... Jones, District Engineer, regarding when construction of the roads in the <br />Colonial Hills Subdivision can begin. In Mr. Jones' opinion, construction <br />should not start until next Spring. At that time, Mr. Jones has stated, <br />- the Colonial Hills project will be very high on the Department of Trans- <br />portation's priority list. Mr. Gatos stated that he had explained the <br />situation to those residents of Colonial Hills, who were present for the <br />public hearing. He added that a check for the County's portion would be <br />sent to DOT at the end of February, 197$, for construction in the Spring. <br />Item 7: The County Attorney will present a Petition for Paving under <br />the Participating Paving Program for the Morgan Creek Hills Subdivision. <br />The County Attorney presented the petition to the Clerk, and stated <br />that the petition had been verified. <br />Item 8: The County Attorney will present a Preliminary Assessment <br />Resolution for the paving project proposed in Agenda Item 7. <br />The County Attorney presented the Resolutien to the Chairman and <br />stated that if this resolution is adopted, this would set up a public <br />hearing for October 18, 1977, and that he had learned from Mr. Francisco <br />that he plans to have with him on October 18th, all the checks for cash <br />payment for presentation. This action is on schedule for the November 1, <br />1977, deadline previously discussed. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the Preliminary Assessment Resolution <br />for the paving project for the Morgan Creek Hills Subdivision. <br />For copy of Preliminary Assessment Resolution, see page 385N of this <br />book. <br />Item 9: Commissioner Gustaveson will review a proposal for a County- <br />wide Planning Council and request Board action on this proposal. <br />Mr. Gustaveson stated that the recommendation for a Countywide Planning <br />Council grew out of the Growth pptions Conference of .1975, and had been <br />discussed by the Intergovernmental Task Force's Committee on Planning. He <br />referred to an agreement which had been drawn up under General Statutes <br />which defined the kinds of legal basis for a long range Planning Council. <br />Mr. Gustaveson added that the County, Chapel Hi11 and Garrboro had been <br />involved in the Subcommittee on Planning's discussions, but that Hillsborough <br />had chosen not to participate. He asked that the item be deferred until <br />the October.l8th meeting to allow the County Attorney time to study the <br />agreement. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked the cost of such a Planning Council. <br />Gommissione'r Gustaveson stated that the original document stated that <br />Region J would provide the professional staff needed, there would be some <br />services provided by the local planning department. <br />Mr. Pinney asked that the requirement of a staff be investigated as <br />well as the cost to the County if staff is not provided. This item wall <br />appear on the October 18, 1977 agenda. <br />Item 10: The Chairman and Manager will review a proposal from the <br />Chapel Hill Housing Authority tc locate their Administration Service Build- <br />ing on the Northside School Property. <br />"Chairman Whitted stated that he had talked with Al Stevenson, Director <br />of the Chapel Hill Housing Authority, and had been informed by him of a <br />grant the Housing Authority had received from HUD to construct an Admini- <br />stration Building. The Chairman stated that the Northside School property <br />is the most desirable for this construction. The Housing Authority would <br />like to be in a position to request from the Board of Commissioners <br />