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~, ~-, ,_ <br />~, ,~ .~ <br />property owners, and if the work on the roads is delayed, people would be <br />paying ahead before the work is completed. <br />The County Manager left the meeting at this time to call Mr. Jones in <br />Graham regarding the best procedure to follow. <br />Mrs. asked of the cost of the assessment. <br />The Gounty Attorney stated that the cost of the paving is based on the <br />area of each lot, and not on the front footage of the road. He stated that <br />there were some lots on the roads which had na front footage at all, and <br />some lots had an excessive amount of front footage. To have an equitable <br />assessment, the charge must be on the area of each lot. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone else withed to speak at this public <br />hearing. No one came forth, and the Chairman declared the public hearing <br />concluded. <br />Ben Lloyd asked if he could address the Board. The Commissioners <br />decided to hear Mr. Lleyd at this time. <br />Mr. Lloyd asked the Chairman if a meeting had been scheduled with <br />Mr. Gattis of the State Personnel Office to discuss salaries. <br />Chairman ri~hitted stated that a meeting had npt been scheduled. <br />Mr. Lloyd asked that a meeting be scheduled for the next meeting of <br />the Board. <br />The Chairman stated that Mr. Lloyd would be notified of the date of <br />the meeting at which State Personnel people would be in attendance. <br />Item 2: Minutes of the Board meeting held September Z0, 1977 are <br />submitted for consideration. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioenr Gustaveson, _ <br />it was moved and adopted to approveā€¢the September 20, 1977 minutes. <br />Item 3: Mr. Paul Lee will petition the Board for exemption from <br />County Peddlers License requirements. The agenda attachment stated that <br />the County Commissioners may exempt from the peddler's license tax: <br />(1) Disabled veterans of the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and IS, <br />who are bona fide residents of the State for 12 or more months, and (2) <br />the blind who have been bona fide residents of the State for 12 months and <br />(3) widows with dependent children. <br />Mr. Lee was not present in the meeting at this time. <br />Chairman Whitted asked that the Board make an appointment to the <br />Energy Committee for the O'oint Orange-Chatham Community Action Boa~±d. <br />Since Commissioner Willhoit had replaced Chairman Whitted on this Board, <br />Mr. Whitted recommended Commissioner Willhoit be named to the Energy <br />Committee . <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted that Commissioner Willhoit be appointed to the <br />Energy Board for JOCCA. <br />a <br />Regarding Item 3: Mr. Paul Lee appeared before the Board and stated <br />that he had made other arrangements. <br />Item 4: The Manager recommends a budget amendment to prrovide funds <br />necessary to complete the Morgan Creek Hills Participatingā€¢ Project <br />be approved. ,. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the budget amendment to provide funds <br />to complete the Morgan Creek Hi11s Participating Paving Project. <br />For copy of budget amendment see page 3$,5,7 of this book. <br />Item 6: The Manager recommends adoption of the Final Assessment <br />Resolution considered in the Public Hearing implementing the Colonial <br />Hills Participating Paving Project, which had just been concluded, with <br />