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n~,- <br />~, <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OCTOBER 3, 1977 <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />Monday, October 3, 1977, at 10:00 a. m., in the Commissioners' Room of <br />the 'Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />-.. Present were Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioners Norman Gustaveson, <br />Jan Pinney, Norman Walker, and Donald Willhoit. <br />Staff personnel present were 5. P4. Gattis, County Manager, Neal Evans, <br />County Finance Officer, Agatha Johnson, Clerk to the Board, and Geoffrey <br />Gledhill, County Attorney. <br />Chairman Tahitted opened the meeting by referring to Ttem 1: Persons <br />not on this agenda having business to transact with t1~e Board of Commis- <br />sioners should make their presence known in order that an appropriate time <br />for them to be heard might be arranged. <br />The Chairman stated that he would like to bring to the Board's atten- <br />tion the Governor's Conference on Balanced Growth and Economic Development <br />and a Resolution regarding the I-40 Issue. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked that a review of the proposed Human <br />Services Conference be made and also he had a road matter to present to <br />the Board. <br />Mr. Whitted referred to Item 5: A Public Hearing to consider a Final <br />Assessment Resolution implementing the Colonial Hi.11s Participating Paving <br />project has been set at 10:00 a.m. today. He stated that this is the time <br />for the advertised public hearing. <br />The County Attorney presented to the Board the Final Assessment Resolu- <br />tion which he stated defined the scope of the proposed project and the <br />basis for assessment to property owners. One change in the Final Resolu- <br />tion from the Preliminary Resolution is that any assessment not paid in full <br />shall be paid in 5 equal installments viith the first such installment, due <br />60 days after the date that the Assessment Roll is confirmed, which will <br />probably be April or May of 1978. <br />The Chairman asked if there were those present who wished to speak <br />in opposition to the paving of roads in this project. <br />James O. Stutts, who owns property on Kennedy Circle in the Colonial <br />Hills Subdivision, informed the Board of a drainage problem which exist on <br />his property. He asked that this problem be worked out by the Department <br />of Transportation before paving begins. <br />The Clerk was instructed to contact Mx. Jones, District Engineer, and <br />request that he and Mr. Stutts inspect this area of Kennedy Circle. <br />Mrs. Charles King informed the Board of a conversation with Mr. Jones <br />regarding when the paving of these roads might be started. <br />The County Manager stated that from his conversation with Mr. Jones, <br />he had learned that the Hoard of Transportation must approve the project <br />before it can begin, and the next meeting of the Board is October 25, 1977. <br />The Department of Transportation. must then go through a purchase and acc?ui- <br />sition procedure. Paving cannot begin until these matters are taken care <br />_ of. He stated that the normal paving season for the Department is usually <br />between April and November, and if construction i.s started this Fall, there <br />is a possibility that the roads may not be completed until next Sprint, thus <br />the residents of the area would suffer dire consequence during the Winter <br />months. Mr. Gattis added that it looked as if next Spring would be the <br />best time to start this paving. <br />Willie Laws, a resident of the Colonial Hills area stated that work <br />was done on the Piney Grove Church Road last Fall and the road was stabl- <br />ized before bad weather started. <br />Discussion ensued as to whether or not to issue a check to Mr. Jones <br />to begin construction of these roads. The Chairman explained that as soon <br />as a check is sent to Mr. Jones, this would trigger an assessment of the <br />