Orange County NC Website
RES-aoo9- 0~3 3 <br />Resolution Authorizing Sealed Bid Sale with Upset Bid of <br />Certain Real Property Owned by Orange County <br />WHEREAS, Orange County owns property located at the following locations: <br />- Highway 49 old ABC store, Cedar Grove-PIN# 9829408061 <br />- Homestead Community Center, 600 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill-PIN # <br />9779086412 <br />- Clerk of Court Annex, 112 N. Churton Street, Hillsborough-PIN # 9874066435 <br />- Graham Building, 118 N. Churton Street, Hillsborough-PIN # 874065497 <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 160A-268 permits the County to sell real <br />property by advertisement and sealed bid; and North Carolina General Statute 160A-269 <br />permits an upset bid, after receipt of an offer for the property; <br />THEREFORE, THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVES THAT: <br />1. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the sale of the following properties by <br />sealed bid with an upset bid: <br />- Highway 49 old ABC store, Cedar Grove-PIN# 9829408061 <br />- Homestead Community Center, 600 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill-PIN # <br />9779086412 <br />- Clerk of Court Annex, 112 N. Churton Street, Hillsborough-PIN # 9874066435 <br />- Graham Building, 118 N. Churton Street, Hillsborough-PIN # 874065497 <br />2. The County will accept sealed bids until 10:00 AM local time, Tuesday, October 13, 2009. <br />Bids shall be delivered to the office of the Director of Purchasing and Asset Management <br />at 129 East King Street, Hillsborough, North Carolina. Bids will be submitted by property <br />in separate, sealed envelopes marked clearly with the property name. <br />3. At 10:OOAM, Tuesday, October 13, 2009 all bids received shall be opened in public and <br />the amount of each bid recorded. <br />4. The record of bids shall be reported to the Board of Commissioners at its regular meeting <br />on Thursday, November 5, 2009. The Board of Commissioners will take action which <br />proposes to accept the offer, thereby commencing an upset bid process at this same <br />meeting. Bids will remain open and subject to acceptance until the Board of <br />Commissioners award the bids. <br />5. To be responsible a bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit of five percent (5%) of the <br />amount of the bid. A bid deposit may take the form of cash, a cashier's check, a certified <br />check, or a surety bond. The deposit of the bidder to whom the award is made will be <br />held until sale of the property is closed; if that bidder refuses at any time to close the sale, <br />the deposit will be forfeited to the County. The deposits of other bidders will be returned <br />at the time the Board of Commissioners awards the property to the highest bidder, or until <br />such time the original highest responsible bid is overturned by an upset bid. <br />6. In addition, to be responsible, a bidder must be current on payment of all property taxes <br />owed to the County. <br />7. The County reserves the right to withdraw the property from sale at any time and the right <br />to reject all bids. <br />Adopted August 18, 2009. <br />