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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: August 18, 2009 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. (o - b <br />SUBJECT: Friends Funds To Continue Seymour Center Evenin Hours <br />DEPARTMENT: Aging PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Friends Letter of Commitment Jerry M. Passmore, Aging Director <br />Janice Tyler, Sr. Centers Administrator <br />(919) 245-2000 <br />PURPOSE: To approve the acceptance of $4,576 from the Friends of the Robert and Pearl <br />Seymour Center to maintain the current evening service hours as existed in FY 2008-09 by <br />employing non-permanent staff. <br />BACKGROUND: In order to reduce County expenses as part of the FY 2009-10 budget <br />preparation process, it was recommended by Department on Aging staff and adopted by the <br />BOCC to reduce evening hours at the Seymour Center from four to two nights per week like the <br />new Central Orange Senior Center that opened January 2009. This budget impact reduced non- <br />permanent personnel costs by $4,370 with the Seymour Center being closed two evenings, <br />Monday and Wednesday, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. beginning in September. (It should be noted <br />that no reductions in budget or operating hours were proposed or approved for the Central <br />Orange Senior Center for FY2009-10.) <br />The Friends of the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center reviewed the programs, center classes, <br />and meetings held in the evenings and felt it important to maintain the four evenings per week <br />which are Monday through Thursday. The group felt that the community was accustom to the <br />four evening hours, especially those who pay a membership for the Seymour Center fitness <br />studio. The Friends wished to maintain the use by aging boomers who work during the day and <br />only have access to the Seymour Center in the evenings. Thus, the Friends Board of Directors <br />approved designating $4,576 from the group's 2009-10 budget to the Orange County <br />Department on Aging to continue to employ anon-permanent employee to cover the Monday <br />and Wednesday evenings that would be closed at the Seymour Center beginning in September. <br />(see attachment) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are no County funds required. Funds collected from the Friends of <br />the Seymour Center will cover the Department on Aging's employing a non-permanent <br />employee to cover Monday and Wednesday evenings per week. The Department on Aging <br />would bill the Friends either on a monthly basis or quarterly basis. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Interim Manager recommends that the Board consider the <br />following: (1) accept the funds from the Friends of the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center to <br />employ anon-permanent employee to maintain the Monday and Wednesday evening service <br />hours at the Seymour Center and (2) amend the Department on Aging budget with a $4,576 <br />increase in the senior center operations account. <br />