Orange County NC Website
~ l<8 Department of Soda) <br />Services receipt o/ <br />Atlopaon and ~ SOId Waete •10 The Department on <br />Enhancement FUnde DepaNnent recerpt ofm ~^g rxeipt o/SHIIP <br />(E7,077) for Poster care American Chemistry ~^da (52,804) fm pedant <br />driltlren; receipt of FY Councl grant (55,000) to outreach and education; %11 Driveway <br />2009 Recovery Act footle co^dutt a plot program UNC Hospitals ReimDUraement to Erlam <br />(538,571) to euPPOrt entl on enhancing and contnbudon (54,000) to VoNrdeer FNe <br />dNiver food and nutrttion er~andrng plastk bap an Provide breakfasts for Me Department (See <br />services to uti0rena. film recycling. The grant Univeraay MaA Walk separate Aohon Agenda <br />(Adoption Enhancement v4l provide NndB for Program: TJCO6 ttem). <br />Funds ere bcefed in a oversight of the program do^ado^ (5250) to <br />~eperafe Nod outsitle the DY nonpermanent ateR .Wrchaee fans for kmv- <br />Generel FuntlJ ~^c^r^e, older reaidanb. <br />Budgef qa Amantled <br />Through BOq Y1 <br />O <br />