Agenda - 08-18-2009 - 4q
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-18-2009
Agenda - 08-18-2009 - 4q
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/14/2009 10:16:24 AM
Creation date
8/14/2009 10:16:21 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090818
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<br />• Assist Triangle Transit in marketing and messaging as needed to secure support for <br />improved transit options and funding. <br />• Education -ULI Triangle <br />Timeframe: 18 months to 2 years. Task Force to set milestones. <br />Leadership: Joe Miiazzo, David King, Jeff Merritt <br />VIBRANT CENTERS: [Task Force leadership to review and revise] <br />• Develop a Reality Check Action Commiti~e subcommittee focused on the ingredients of <br />vibrant centers: well-designed compact and walkable mixed-use development. (Compact <br />walkable development is defined as existing and new development at intensities that can <br />make a center "transit-ready" as defined by the region's station area deveiopment <br />guidelines} <br />• Identify organizations that are currently addressing walkable mixed-use development, haw <br />they work together and what gaps Reality Check can help fail. <br />• Define regional, community and neighborhood centers and identify existing centers, <br />centers proposed in existing plans, and possible centers indicated by Reality Check results. <br />• Undertake tasks that help answer such questions as, "how intense are the different <br />proposed centers? What is the mix of housing and jobs? How much of the region's future <br />jobs and housing could be accommodated in centers?" <br />• Undertake tasks that help answer such questions as, "what might these different types of <br />centers look like." <br />• Host forums in partnership with communities and regional organizations to address the <br />ingredients of walkable mixed-use development in their cities. <br />• Support community plans, standards, incentives and educational efforts that support <br />existing and new Weil-designed compact, mixed use walkable development in designated <br />regional, community and neighborhood centers. <br />• ULI Triangle host forums and workshops that work with developers to focus compact <br />mixed use development in appropriate centers. <br />Timeframe: 18 months - 2 years. Task Force to set milestones. <br />Leadership: Jim Anderson, John Hodges-Copple, Liz Rooks, Rosemary Waldorf <br />SUSTAINED GREEN SPACE: [Task Force leadership to review and revise] <br />• Develop a Reality Check Action Committee subcommittee focused on green space and <br />natural resources. <br />• Identify organizations that are currently addressing green space, water resources, and <br />other environmental issues, how they work together and what gap Reality Check can fill. <br />• Update Triangle Land Conservancy's "Greenprint" with assistance from Reality Check <br />participants from all counties. <br />• Lead on the future of our water sources -partner with NC Division of Water Resources to <br />create regional awareness about the quantity of water available and its source in our <br />region. <br />• Create awareness and/or dialogue about the coordination, or lade thereof, of water source <br />management in our region. <br />• Education -ULI Triangle <br />
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