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1 <br />To do this, the Action Committee proposes to seek endorsement of the guiding principles, and form <br />groups around each principle to pursue four aspects critical to success: <br />/ Definition and identification of the areas of critical regional interest <br />/ analysis of the areas <br />/ visualization of the areas <br />/ engagement of those with interests in the areas. <br />A fourth group wi11 help "tell the story" about these principles in straightforward, compelling terms <br />and coordinate the endorsement of the guiding principles. Listed below are ftrst drafts of what these <br />groups might do, starting with basic framework issues, then indicating what the subcommittees can <br />do to define, analyze, visualize and engage people on each Guiding Principle. <br />BARRIERS & SOLUTIONS The barriers and solutions matched up in a way that says our region <br />understands how to approach these challenges and opportunities, and should be an integral part <br />of action plans developed by the task forces: <br />• maximizing existing infrastructure including open space <br />• Addressing community resistance to emerging types of development and transportation <br />modes with education, workshops and public awareness campaigns. <br />• Adopfiing the RC guiding principles as a mechanism to heap communities move forward <br />together to promote effective regional cooperation and collaboration. <br />TASK FORCES LEADING QUALITY GROWTH INITIATIVES <br />ENDORSEMENT AND MESSAGING: [Task Force leadership to review and revise] <br />• Contact the cities in the 15-county Reality Check region. <br />• Develop acity-by-city, county-by-county, ar group approach to make Real'fty Check <br />presentations, assisted by local Reality Check participants and Action Committee members. <br />• These presentations might be hosted by local Chambers of Commerce or the Economic <br />Development Commissions. <br />• Follow up with a request to present the guiding principles to their council/commission for <br />adoption. This is going to take support from action committee members. <br />• Provide an opportunity for councilors/commissioners to be rewarded as progressive public <br />officials and also promote Reality Check branding. <br />• Follow and publicize "best practices" as they relate to the RC and GP's. <br />Timeframe: 18 months - 2 years with progress review every 3 months <br />Leadership: Ken Eudy, Sig Hutchinson, Rosemary Waldorf, all members of Reality Check Action <br />Committee, Triangle Tomorrow board and ULI Triangle <br />TRANSIT: [Task Force leadership to review and revise] <br />• Develop a Reality Check Action Committee subcommittee focused on transit and related <br />land use, engaging participants among others. <br />• Identify organizations currently addressing transit, haw they work together and if Reality <br />Check can serve as a forum for transit supportive land use dialogue and education. <br />• Support the STAC recommendations for regional transit. <br />• Support the local option funding source as the primary transit funding source, with State <br />funding complementing local sources. <br />• Assist the development of regional citizen based coalitions to support transit referenda. <br />