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S <br />DRAFT <br />REAi_1TY CHECK ACTION PLAN <br />Reality Check provides a platform to promote quality growth in the region. Organizations can <br />build on the consensus from the Reality Check exercise and summit, guiding principles and <br />barriers and solutions. <br />About 300 people gathered on February 24 to create visions of how the Triangle could <br />accommodate the 1.2 million people and 700,000 jobs expected to be added to the region over <br />the next generation. A follow-up summit on February 27 reported on the results of the exercise <br />and surveyed the summit participants about their top principles for guiding future growth. A <br />summary• report on the Reality Check exercise and summit is available from Triangle Tomorrow. <br />Although each of the 28 tables mapped a unique vision, by placing Legos to indicate preferred <br />locations far future housing and jobs, three general scenarios emerged. <br />/ CLUSTERED: A scenario that placed growth density along new and existing transit <br />corridors, creating jobs and housing balance with more roads, encouraged a diversity <br />of housing choices, reinvestment in urban centers and water protection (mid-range <br />Lego stacks spaced along tmsit corridors), <br />/ COMPACT: A scenario that concentrated growth in areas with existing development <br />within city centers and small nodes scattered throughout the region with more and <br />improved transit, encouraged mixed use, with equitable amounts of development, <br />and water protection as a priority. (taller Lego stoacks in fewer select locations), <br />/ DISPERSED: A growth scenario that placed mare new development on currently <br />undeveloped areas adding more roads, encouraged mixed use, comprehensive <br />transportation, preservation of open space, transportation and land use sink (shorter <br />Lego stacks dispersed across the region). <br />The attendees of the Results Summit were asked to vote on the one scenario they thought was <br />the best example of quality growth for this region. The Clusters scenario received the mast votes, <br />followed by Compact, then Dispersed. Taken together, these scenarios, and the individual table <br />results they represent, present a "big picture" to help people understand various options available <br />for quaiity growth. But despite differences in scale, scope and location, the three scenarios all <br />have common elements that can help guide an action plan: <br />• the need for improved transit; <br />• more well-designed compact and walkable mixed-use development; <br />• sustaining important green spaces and natural resources; and <br />• jobs/housing balance. <br />