Orange County NC Website
Next Steps: Translating Ideas into Action <br />he results of Reality Check, <br />including the polling, will be <br />used to kick off a long range <br />planning and implementation process <br />to help leaders and residents envision <br />alternative growth scenarios for the <br />future. A plan for implementing the <br />results of the Reality Check exercise <br />and Results Summit is outlined below <br />Please contact ULI Triangle or <br />Triangle Tomorrow if you are <br />interested in being involved in the <br />implementation phase. <br />;'~_J <br />I. Form Reality Check Action <br />Committee. The Committee will be <br />led by Triangle Tomorrow with close <br />participation of ULI Triangle. The <br />Committee will advise the Triangle <br />Tomorrow board about what needs to <br />be done throughout the first stages of <br />implementation and beyond. Guiding <br />Principles, based on the Reality Check <br />exercise and Results Summit, will be <br />presented to cities and counties in <br />the region for endorsement and <br />adoption. <br />II. Create a "Reality Check <br />Quality Growth Initiative" of <br />Triangle Tomorrow The Reality <br />Check Quality Growth Initiative will <br />organize a diverse and representative <br />group of government, business, and <br />civic leaders to: <br />Address the three top guiding <br />principles for quality growth <br />based on the Reality Check <br />exercise and the Summit voting <br />results. <br />Organize a task force to address <br />each of the three priorities over <br />the next year. Alternatively, they <br />could collaborate with existing <br />organizations whose missions <br />address one of these growth <br />priorities. They would develop <br />recommendations to the Triangle <br />Tomorrow board and create <br />action steps to be implemented <br />by city/county government, with <br />business, civic and citizen support <br />to help this implementation. <br />.~~ The Reality Check Action <br />Committee will agree on and <br />address barriers to, and solutions <br />for, quality growth (from the <br />Reality Check exercise and <br />Summit) through educational and <br />outreach initiatives. ULI Triangle <br />will present workshops, forums <br />and other educational programs <br />which address the barriers. <br />The Action Committee will seek <br />endorsement of the Guiding Principles <br />and form three task forces around each <br />principle to pursue aspects critical to <br />success in achieving the principles: <br />I. Definition and identification of the <br />areas of critical regional interest <br />II. Analysis of these areas <br />III. Visualization of these areas <br />IV. Engagement of those with interests <br />in these areas. <br />A fourth task force will focus on <br />communicating the principles in <br />straightforward, compelling terms. <br />The Reality Check Action Committee <br />will help citizens and decision-makers <br />sustain the green places they value, <br />create vibrant centers in our <br />communities where people can live, <br />work, learn and play and use transit to <br />connect these centers to one another <br />and communities throughout the <br />region. <br />Please visit <br />or contact ULI Triangle or Triangle <br />Tomorrow (listed below) for more <br />information or to become involved. <br />F"OR MORE I1`IFORMATION, <br />ULI TRIANGLE <br />TRIANGLE TOMORROW <br />P: 919.840.7372 x24 <br />WWW.TRIANGLE.ULI.O RG <br />JULIERPAUL@EARTH LINK.NET <br /> <br />WWW.TRIANGLETOMORROW.ORG <br />PWALL~RES EARCHTRIANG LE.ORG <br />#~-~ .~ <br />~, 3 f.. <br />~~ <br />Page 4 <br />