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r <br />ey . ~ <br />Mr. Trevine stated that this action did not address the problem of <br />the Commission. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson then suggested that this discussion be tabled <br />and that a meeting be scheduled with the Executive Committee for the Commis- <br />sion for Women. Mr. Gustaveson withdrew his motion of nominations. <br />The Commissioners scheduled Thursday, September 22, 1977 at 5:30 p.m. <br />as a meeting to meet with the Executive Committee. The meeting was sche- <br />duled at the Golden West Restaurant in Chapel Hill. <br />Nancy Park then asked that the Board fill the obvious vacancies on <br />the Commission in order that there might be good representation at their <br />next meeting. <br />Upan motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to appoint Jackie Pulley, Sarah Ridenbaugh, <br />Arthrell Saunders, Carolean Craig, Mary Jane Burns and Debbie Lee to the <br />vacancies on the Commission for Women. <br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 6: The County Manager will present <br />a petition requesting paving through the participation paving program <br />signed by residents of the Morgan Creek Hills area. <br />The County Manager presented the petition to the Chairman and stated <br />the petition necessitated some discussion since there is an appropriation <br />attached to it and this presented the County Attorney with some procedural <br />problems which the Attorney will explain. He added that signatures on <br />the petition have been verified. <br />A Financial Statement of the arrangements for property owners to pay <br />for the paving of these roads was presented to the Board. <br />The County Attorney stated that the financial arrangement presupposes <br />an additional appropriation of $1,944. Also Mr. Gledhill stated, the <br />monies required to complete this paving project would be spent before the <br />project is completed and that the County would have to rely on the resi- <br />dents of the Morgan Creek Hills to provide the monies before the project <br />is completed and Mr. Gledhill stated that he was not sure this is what <br />the County should do. He added that this would mean changes in the Prelimi- <br />nary Assessment Resolution and detail, which the proposal presented to the <br />property owners. <br />Mr. Francisco, a resident of P4organ Creek Hills, stated that those <br />persons in the Morgan Hills area who will pay cash for their portion of the <br />paving will do so before the third week in October. <br />Commissioner Pinney suggested that the County Attorney proceed with <br />the. preparation of all the legal documents and the Final Assessment Resolu- <br />tion and if at that time all the money is not received from those property <br />owners, then the County does not have to adopte the Final Assessment Resolu- <br />tion. <br />The County Manager suggested the Assessment be based on the total <br />amount the property owners will pay in cash. and the total amount the <br />County will finance, which amounts to $491 per person. This way everyone <br />is assessed the full amount. Sf this is not done, the Board of Commissioners <br />will not finalize the Final Assessment Resolutions <br />The Board agreed that this is the way to proceed. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved that $1,944 be taken from the Contin- <br />gency Fund and put into the Road Participatien Program. Commissioner <br />Willhoit seconded the motion. <br />Disoussion ensaed. The County Attorney stated that the petition no <br />longer applied. The Attorney was requested to revise the petition and to <br />present it to the County Commissioners at their .next meeting, as will the <br />Preliminary Assessment Resolution. <br />The Chairman called for a vote on the motion, and all members of the <br />Board voted aye. The motion was declared passed. <br />The Finance Officer was requested to prepare the proper budget amend- <br />ment for the $1,944. <br />