Orange County NC Website
LINK CENTER REMODEL TIMELINE <br />JUNE 23, 2009 <br /> PROPOSED <br />TASK BEGINNING DATE END BY DATE <br />CRZ meets with departments to validate preliminary program <br />information 6/22/09 6/26!09 <br />BOCC meets with CRZ and Board staff to determine plan for BOCC <br />office space 6/22/09 6/26/09 <br />BOCC endorses development process 6/23/09 6/23/09 <br />BOCC requested to authorize the Interim-Manager to sign a contract <br />for a sprinkler system and report results to BOCC via Manager's <br />Memo. Contract would receive regular staff and attorney review prior <br />to its execution. 6/23/09 6/23109 <br />CRZ meets with BOCC to share preliminary program information and <br />floor plan 6/29/09 7/3/09 <br />CRZ completes Phase I office design after which BOCC reviews so <br />pricing can begin 7/6/09 7/31/09 <br />BOCC action: Award of contracts for Phase I remodel work 8/18/09 8/18/09 <br /> Phase I Office remodel work completed 8/19/09 10/19/09 <br /> BOCC Action: Design contract with CRZ approved for Phase II work 9/15/09 9/15/09 <br /> GSC-A departments relocated to new facility 10/1/09 10/16/09 <br /> CRZ works with BOCC and designated partners to develop design for <br /> Board room 12/31/09 12/31/09 <br /> BOCC Action: BOCC formally accepts and approves Phase II design <br /> of Board Room 1/1/10 1/1/10 <br /> CRZ develops specifications and plans suitable for bidding project, <br /> submits for regulatory review and appropriate staff reviews 1/20/10 4/30/10 <br /> BOCC Action: Award of contract for Phase II work 6/15/10 6/15/10 <br /> Phase II Construction 6/16/10 12/31/10 <br />C~ <br />