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C ~~ V~~'~ <br />oRD-aooq-231 ~ <br />Sec. 8-33. Licensing of massage business operators. <br />(a) No person shall operate a massage business unless such person shall have first <br />applied for and received the license provided by this section. A license issued pursuant to <br />this section is a privilege license issued to the applicant only and is not transferable. <br />(b) Every application for the privilege license prescribed in this section shall be upon a <br />form approved by the county manager and shall be filed with the clerk to the board of <br />commissioners. Every such application shall be made under oath and shall contain the <br />following information: <br />(1) If the applicant is: <br />a. A person, the name of the applicant, any aliases ever used by the applicant, the age, <br />the sex, social security number (optional) and past military identification number of the <br />applicant; the residence address of the applicant and the residence addresses of the <br />applicant for the ten years preceding the date of the application; <br />b. A partnership, corporation or association, the name, any aliases ever used, sex, social <br />security number (optional) and past military identification number, the residence address <br />and the residence addresses for the ten years preceding the date of the application <br />regarding each person having any legal or beneficial interest in such applicant; <br />(2) The address of the premises where the massage business shall be located; <br />(3) A complete statement of all convictions of any person whose name is required to be <br />given in subsection (b)(1) of this section of any crime involving sexual misconduct, <br />including but not limited to G.S. 14-177--14-202.1, G.S. 14-203--14-208, any section of <br />this article, any federal statute relating to prostitution, or any law or ordinance of any <br />governmental unit concerning the business of massage; <br />(4) A complete statement of any revocation, by any governmental unit, of any license <br />and the existence of any license to operate a massage business or to engage in the <br />business or profession of massage held or formerly held by any person whose name is <br />required to be given in subsection (b)(1) of this section; <br />(5) A complete statement of any conviction of any person whose name is required to be <br />given in subsection (b)(1) of this section for violation of any statute, law, ordinance or <br />regulation of any government concerning the operation of a massage business or the <br />business or profession of massage; <br />(6) The name and address of any massage business or other establishment owned or <br />operated by any person whose name is required to be given in subsection (b)(1) of this <br />section wherein the business or profession of massage is carried on; and <br />(7) A description of any other business to be operated on the same premises or on <br />adjoining premises owned or controlled by the applicant. <br />(c) The clerk to the board of commissioners shall transmit a copy of the application to <br />the sheriffs department for an investigative report. The sheriff shall conduct a DCI <br />criminal history of the applicant. The sheriff shall inform the clerk to the board of commissioners <br />of the results of the DCI inquiry. If after completing the investigation of the applicant using <br />the information obtained from the applicant required in subsection (b) of this section, the <br />sheriff shall deem it necessary to positively identify the applicant or any person having <br />any legal or beneficial interest in the applicant in order to confirm a fact necessary for the <br />applicant to be licensed, the sheriff shall present the information upon which he has made <br />this determination to one of the judges of the district court in the 15B judicial district. If <br />the judge shall determine, from the information presented by the sheriff, that there is <br />probable cause to believe that a fact revealed in the sheriff s investigation would <br />