Orange County NC Website
<br />sheriff, that there is probable cause to believe that a fact revealed in the sheriffs <br />investigation would disqualify an applicant from receiving a license under this article, the <br />judge shall order and authorize the sheriff to confirm that fact by the use of fingerprints. <br />When such an order is issued, it shall be the added responsibility of the applicant to <br />submit his fingerprints, taken by the sheriffs department, as part of the application <br />required in subsection (b) of this section. The sheriffs department shall within a <br />reasonable time, not to exceed 45 days, report the results of its investigation to the clerk <br />to the board of commissioners. <br />(e) An application in proper form shall be submitted to the county manager, together <br />with all reports required by this section. The county manager shall approve such <br />application if he determines: <br />(1) That the applicant is at least 18 years of age; <br />(2) The application contains no misstatement of fact; <br />(3) The applicant has not been convicted, for the five-year period preceding the date of <br />the application, of any crime listed in section 8-33(b)(3); <br />(4) The applicant has not, for the three-year period preceding the application, had a <br />previously issued license for engaging in the business or profession of massage revoked; <br />and <br />(5) The applicant has not been previously convicted of any violation of any provision of <br />this article. <br />(f) Upon approval of the application by the county manager, and upon receipt of a <br />license fee set from time to time, subject, however, to the provisions of section 8-41, the <br />collector of revenue shall issue a privilege license to the applicant. Permit approval shall <br />lapse if the license fee prescribed by this section is not received by the collector of <br />revenue within 60 days of the date the application is approved. <br />(g) A license issued pursuant to this section shall be revoked by action of the county <br />manager if he determines that: <br />(1) The licensee has violated any provision of this article; <br />(2) The licensee is, after the license under this section is issued, convicted of any crime <br />listed in section 8-33(b)(3); or <br />(3) The licensee is guilty of fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive advertising, <br />including the use of the term "massage" to describe, promote or advertise any type of <br />business activity or service prohibited by this article or is not massage as defined in this <br />article. <br />(h) Any person whose application for a license is denied by the county manager <br />pursuant to subsection (e) of this section or revoked pursuant to subsection (g) of this <br />section may appeal such decisions to the board of commissioners. An appeal is taken by <br />filing written notice of such appeal with the clerk to the board of commissioners within <br />ten days following the date of the decision. The board shall set the appeal for hearing in <br />the manner provided by section 8-37. The board of commissioners may affirm, modify or <br />reverse the county manager's decision. <br />(Ord. of 11-4-1985, § 1-4, eff. 11-4-1985; Ord. of 3-20-1991, eff. 3-20-1991) <br />till provisions ol~ any County ordinance in conflict with this ordinance are hereby <br />re pealed. <br />Effectii~e Ante. This ordinance shall bea>mc cifecti~ c u}x>n ~~doption Adopted the <br />day of flugust, 2009. <br />