Orange County NC Website
<br />Draft Agenda <br />Land Application of Biosolids Forum 2009 <br />October 7 -8, 2009 <br />• Welcome and introduction of the local issues 8 - 8:15 <br />• Treatment Plant Process and Management 8:15 - 9:45 <br /> • Description of WWTP Technology focusing on biosolids treatment <br /> • Understanding the process <br /> • Options available for biosolids management <br /> • Alternatives to land application <br /> • Testing requirements and performance standards <br /> • Class A vs. Class B <br />• Regulation of Biosolids in NC 9:45 -10:45 <br /> • History <br /> • Current practice <br /> • Future <br /> • Statistics for NC <br /> • Science behind the regulations <br />• Break 10:45 -11:00 <br />• Report from US EPA 11:00 -12:00 <br /> • How EPA recommendations are established and revised <br /> • Future of biosolids <br /> • Emerging contaminants -metals <br />• Lunch - On-site 12:00 -12:45 <br />• Research Summary 12:45 -1:45 <br /> • A summary of research that has been published or is planned for biosolids handling to <br /> address the following aspects:agronomic, environmental ,soil, water, air, health <br />• Health and Risk Management 1:45 - 2:45 <br /> • agronomic, environmental ,soil, water, air, health <br />• Break 2:45 - 3:00 <br />• Panel Discussion 3:00 - 4:15 <br />• Conclusion 4:15 - 4:30 <br />October 8th, 2009 (Optional Second Day) <br />Meet at Southern Human Services Center 8:00 <br />Session 8:15 -12:45 <br />Bus 1 to Cane Creek /Headwaters Biosolids storage and application site <br />Bus 2 to OWASA WWTP (Buses flip locations for 2nd half of the morning and end at SHSC). <br />