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a <br />move forward. The faculty members believe the amount of the funding is not adequate to carry <br />out the study and to ensure the quality of the study. <br />Community interest and concern regarding the topic of biosolid application to land remains high <br />in certain areas of the County. Community activist groups have sponsored various listening <br />sessions and distributed materials that advocate for specific policy changes at the state and <br />local level based on the materials and information they have acquired. <br />The Health Department is requesting permission to redirect the research study funds ($10,000) <br />to support costs for holding amulti-county conference/forum on land application of biosolids. <br />The forum would educate participants about various aspects of the current practice of land- <br />applied biosolids from wastewater treatment plants. Both state and nationally recognized <br />experts will present sessions on technology, research, health and environmental risk <br />management of current practices. Afield tour of a local biosolids processing facility and an <br />application site will be offered on a second day. The attached sheet outlines preliminary <br />thoughts from the planning committee. The Planning Committee includes: <br />• Tom Konsler/Greg Grimes, Orange County Health Department, Environmental Health <br />Services <br />• Dr. Fletcher Barber, Orange County Cooperative Extension Director <br />• Dr. Jeff White, North Carolina State University Soil Science <br />• Dr. David Lindbo, North Carolina State University Soil Science <br />• Dr. Chip Simmons, North Carolina State University Bio-Ag Engineering <br />• Gail Hughes/Kenny Ray, Orange County Soil and Water <br />• Jon Risgaard, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water <br />Quality <br />• Carl Carroll, Alamance County Health Department, Environmental Health <br />• Andy Seignor/ Terri Ritter, Chatham County Health Department, Environmental Health <br />Tom Konsler and Greg Grimes, Orange County Health Department -Environmental Health <br />Services, are providing staff support for the Planning Committee. County Enviromnment & <br />Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil and Planning Director Craig Benedict have also <br />been briefed on the upcoming forum so that their boards .can be appropriately advised and <br />encouraged to attend. <br />Re-direction of these funds would be used to defray the costs of the forum to keep registration <br />fees low and encourage widespread attendance. Funds will support travel or honorarium costs <br />for speakers, lunch, breaks, transportation to field sites, marketing, materials preparation, sound <br />system. A specific budget will be developed as the planning committee finalizes the agenda. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The funds were encumbered in 2006. Redirecting their use would not <br />affect the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year budget. It is likely that the entire amount will not be needed for <br />this forum. Any unexpended portion of the $10,000 would return to the general fund <br />(approximately $4,000). <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Interim Manager recommends that the Board approve the re- <br />direction of funds for the biosolids research study to support acommunity-wide biosolids forum <br />in an amount up to $6,000 with the remaining portion returning to the general fund. <br />