Orange County NC Website
Orange County Health Department's Grant Proposal <br />4. Describe the participants who will be included in your program. How many are <br />financially needy? Are the participants different in any way from the full population you <br />describe in question three? Our DSME program will be available to county adults who have <br />been diagnosed with diabetes. Our marketing plan is focused on targeted outreach to those who <br />have historically lacked access to such services including minority populations, the <br />under/uninsured, those living in rural areas, and those lacking transportation to classes offered <br />outside the county. <br />The actual participant profile is unknown at this time but will focus on the underserved noted <br />above. Our goal is to enro1160 residents in the first year of the grant, with up to 50% being <br />uninsured. In our second year when we are ADA certified, we seek to enroll 80 participants with <br />up to 50% being uninsured. (Current health departments in the NCDERP have reported enrolling <br />80 participants in the first year.) <br />In addition to our primary participants, our program will also include education, training and <br />outreach to community medical providers. The marketing plan includes training and education <br />on the standards of medical care for diabetes including recommendations, referral systems, and <br />multidisciplinary disease management. <br />YOUR IMPACT <br />5. What impact are you committed to achieving? How many of the participants will <br />achieve that impact? At least 50% of participants will have an improved Al C three months <br />after completing the program compared to baseline as evidenced by the data tracking system <br />(Tiara Software). At least 50% of participants will have an annual foot exam as evidenced by the <br />data tracking system. <br />In order to improve A1C levels, participants must make changes in self-management behaviors <br />including: healthful eating, being active, self-monitoring, taking medication, problem solving, <br />reducing risks, and healthful coping. These are American Association of Diabetes Educators <br />(AADE) standards of outcomes for DSME and a focus of our program. <br />In addition to individual behavior change, we are committed to achieving an improved systems- <br />level change in the following ways: Providing at least two community medical provider <br />trainings within the grant time period on the standards of medical care for diabetes including <br />definitions, recommendations, referral systems, and multidisciplinary disease management for <br />our medical providers; and becoming an ADA recognized DSME program under the umbrella of <br />the NCDEIZP. <br />6. How many of the participants would be likely to achieve the anticipated impact if your <br />program did not exist? No state or local data are available to estimate the number individuals <br />likely to achieve the anticipated impact. See county data presented in question three regarding <br />current behaviors and health status of people with diabetes in diabetes in Orange County. <br />YOUR PROGRAM <br />7. Describe the work for which you seek funds. What approach will you use to achieve the <br />anticipated impact? We are seeking grant funds to support our efforts to provide diabetes self- <br />management education and counseling to people with diabetes to promote better management of <br /> <br />3 <br />