Orange County NC Website
<br />Artwork must also be sufficiently secured against high winds and intense weather conditions. <br />The artist understands that their artwork may be subject to damage, vandalism or theft at anytime. Neither <br />Orange County Arts Commission, Orange County Parks and Recreation Department, nor the site will be <br />responsible for such occurrences. <br />Project Amount <br />$800 (subject to change). This amount includes all applicable expenses that the artist may incur creating the artwork, such <br />as materials, labor, insurance, taxes, installation, and retrieval of the artwork. <br />Artists will be paid in 1 payment. Because of the terms of the state grant supporting this project, the payment of <br />$800 (subject to change) will be made after the commission is awarded. The artwork must be removed (if applicable) at the <br />end of the project. <br />There is no medical or workers' compensation insurance provided by either the State of North Carolina, Orange <br />County or the sites. Artists will be responsibly for providing coverage. <br />The selected artists will be required to enter into a professional services contract with Orange County. For a sample <br />copy of the contract, please contact the Orange County Arts Commission staff at or <br />call 919/245-2335. <br />Eligibility <br />This project is open to Orange County, NC residents only. Artists in all stages of their careers are encouraged <br />to apply. <br />Calendar <br />March 2009 <br />May 7, 2009 (5 pm) <br />Mid-Late May 2009 <br />By June 19, 2009 <br />End Date <br />This calendar is subject to change. <br />Selection Process and Criteria <br />Project Announced <br />Submission Deadline <br />Selection of Artists <br />Artwork Installed <br />Life of Artwork - No removal date anticipated <br />The selection criteria used by the T.I.M.E Project Selection Committee shall include, but is not limited to: <br />. Quality of project concept <br />. Thoroughness of proposal <br />. How the artwork relates to the theme of recreation and baseball athletics and the environment <br />Proposal Submission <br />Deadline for Submissions: 5 pm on Thursday, May 7, 2009 <br />This is a receipt deadline, not a postmark deadline. <br />Deliver to: <br />Orange County Arts Commission <br />110 E. King Street <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Attn: T.I.M.E. Project -Cedar Grove Park <br />Mail to: <br />Orange County Arts Commission <br />P.O. Box 1177 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />ATTN: T.I.M.E. Project -Cedar Grove Park <br />The US mail sometimes can be extremely slow. Please take this into consideration <br />when determining how and when to your send your proposal. <br />Late submissions will be returned without being viewed. <br />